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New year, new(er) beginnings.

It has been quite a long time since I've used this platform. Of course, life happens and you lose sight of what you want to do. But I'm determined to get back to the things I love, and get back to being happy this year. There are many things I want to accomplish this year, and I don't want to let anything stop me.

Consistency is key. I know I have to be consistent with my goals in order to obtain them. It's okay to fall off of the track, as long as you get back on. So here I am, trying again for the umpteenth time. But I know I can do this. Happy New Year.

What are some of your goals for the new year?

#Happiness #MentalHealth #goals #NewBeginnings

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First day back to work after b p d diagnosis

I'm extremely anxious this morning. I have not worked for over a year. I lost a dear friend and then almost lost myself to the depression and suicidal ideation i went thru.

I went through 2 months of residential and 3 months of intensive outpatient, and just recently received a diagnosis of bpd which really encompasses many of the symptoms and issues that I have. I'm frustrated because there's not really a pill to help, it's just the way my personality is and who i am now.

Trauma has made me now who I am. I have a lot of reservations because my temperament at times gets the better of me and I've put off getting a job. but at this point I can't any longer. I accepted a job almost an hour away from home.

I'm a single mom with 2 boys and I have split custody. I guess what I'm asking is for support as I embark on this new chapter. I'm really scared. But everyone says that I can do this. I can, right?

#BPD #Anxiety #NewBeginnings

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Quick Update and Prayer Request from #Christians on #TheMighty

I recently relocated. I have a new job, living space, and environment. All sound great, yet I have been physically sick for the past two weeks. Also, now that I am hours away from my aging mom, she has been rushed to the emergency room two times in two weeks. I am over an eight hour drive away and am not pleased with this.

So, please say a prayer for me as I seek wisdom from above regarding my role in helping my mom. Also, I ask for prayer regarding the ministry I am now working with: that I would be a great asset for the team. And finally, I request prayer concerning either the weather to cool off or that my body will adjust to the new air particles that are obviously sending my autoimmune system into absolute chaos!!! Oh, and a church that serves as a place for me to worship with a family rather than fulfilling an obligatory request from friends.

Thanks! #Prayer #NewBeginnings #

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A New Lease On Life

"Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes"

-Richie Norton

Have you ever watched a sunset or sunrise? They're beautiful, right?

Have you watched the sunrise and thought of it as a new lease on life? Each day, we have the infinite power to choose; with that choice comes the freedom to create or recreate life.

#NewBeginnings #MentalHealth #Awareness #reset #mindset #MorningRoutine #firstpost #sahm #setback2success #Depression #Gratitude #Journaling

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Long time no see!

Well hello there! Life has been busy, and I’m making the most of it right now. I decided to give TikTok a try, and made my first video about my mental health journey. Feel free to follow along for support. We got this. 💚

#MentalHealth #Depression #Happiness #NewBeginnings

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Forgive Yourself

Choose each day to forgive yourself, you are human, imperfect, learning and growing.
There is no sense in punishing your future by living in the mistakes of your past. Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.
Take heart in the knowledge, strength, and growth opportunities each trial inevitably teaches you--and move on.
There is no one you will talk to more than yourself. Be kind, loving, understanding, compassionate, and supportive.
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship that you have.
And remember:
🌻 The past can’t be changed, but the future is full of possibilities.
✋🏻 Opinions don’t define your reality.
🤗 Everyone’s journey is different
🤔 Overthinking will usually lead to sadness.
😊 Happiness is found within.
💭 Your thoughts affect everything about you.
😁 Smiles are contagious.
🫶🏻 Kindness is free.
👌🏻👉🏻 It’s okay to let go and move on.
🥠 People usually end up with what they truly deserve in the end.
⏳ Have patience. Things get better with time.
🫂 Hugs!!

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Is solo travel a good thing for someone with BPD and Bipolar?

I'm ready to leave the Bubble I"ve been living in to travel around Australia. I think this might be good for me because I will only make short term friendships. Is this flawed thinking or a wise path?#BPD #Travel #NewBeginnings

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I am excited!!!!!!!!! #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Hope #NewBeginnings #Relationships #PTSD

The children’s book I have written has arrived. The initial print run was 5000 books. All the proceeds will be going to an orphanage in Indonesia started by two friends of mine after the Boxing Day tsunami. I am so excited!!!