I'm new here!
Hi, my name is Stepnjump. I'm here because
Hi, my name is SonjaHammon. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #Depression #BipolarDisorder #RheumatoidArthritis
Hi, my name is hailwic_04.
I’m in here trying my best to keep myself from having any future mania episodes and to overall improve my mental health! Id like to pay more attention to self care and confidence!
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Depression #ADHD
Hi, my name is proudmommy1201. I'm here because
i want to understand and relate to my disorter#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #Grief
Hi, my name is Blondie52. I'm here because
my youngest daughter has a lot of these symptoms. #MightyTogether
Saw this on Pinterest and thought it was good to share here. #neurodivergent #neurodiverse #Neurodiversity #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #IntellectualDisability #IntellectualDisabilities #LearningDisability #LearningDisabilities #Disability #ADHD #audhd #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AspergersSyndrome #Aspergers #SensoryProcessingDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #MentalHealth #Spoonie #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #Dyslexia #Dyscalculia #Dysgraphia #Dyspraxia #TouretteSyndrome #Hyperlexia #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #RSD
Hi, my name is seake55. I'm here because
Hi, my name is pharmadharma. I'm here because
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #OCD