#CheckInWithMe - I’ve been struggling immensely with this, going back & fourth, but after coming to the realization that cutting off my narcissistic mother and twin sister is the only option when it comes to the sake of my mental well being, I have felt deep grief. They are so toxic and dysfunctional and are so oblivious to it that they start to make me question my own sanity & make me feel like I’m the problem. I’ve tried many times to distance myself, but it’s my family, which makes it so difficult. This time feels permanent though & what hurts me the most is that when I do finally heal from this, all this time will have passed & they will not have changed, and I feel like talking to them will be a regression of my progress. It makes me feel as though I have to cut them off forever, which I know is extreme thinking, but is it always going to be like this? Not being able to have a relationship with my mom & sister due to it causing me so much pain? How do you grieve people who are still alive when you’ve never lost anyone close to you to death? #help #Grief #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcissiticmother #Narcissticsister #Narcissticabuse #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder