National Suicide Prevention Month

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We Are Here For You ~ please never forget that 💕

I know September is almost over, but I did want to make a Suicide Awareness Month post. Please no you are not alone , if you need someone please never be afraid to reach out. I’m a huge advocate on ending the stigma surrounding suicide. Never feel you can’t share these thoughts with others. I’ve been there, seen the darkness and I never want anyone to feel this alone. My dm is always open 💕💕 #NationalSuicidePreventionMonth #SuicideAwareness #Depression #MightyTogether #Childhoodtrauma #Trauma

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National Suicide Prevention Month

Today is National Suicide Prevention month. For all of those who think its “game over”, I’m telling you right now that its not. You have the opportunity to keep going and it is worth it because each and every day brings new experiences that can change your life forever. You are worth it. Show the world each and every day exactly who you are. If they don’t like it too bad, your true friends and family will love you for you. If you or someone you know might need help with this, please dial the suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255. There is no shame in asking for help. It is more brave to stand up for yourself and tell someone. Have an amazing day!!! #NationalSuicidePreventionMonth #Depression

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