Nothing Down

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Everything about you is extra ordinary.

In a gloomy doctor's office waiting room, he brings joy and health where there was sadness and sickness.

During a grocery trip, he brings excitement and smiles where there was once just a mundane task.

In the quiet pews of a church, he brings dance and worship.

There are no peaceful silent car rides anymore, only adventures full of singing and wonder.

In the morning mirror with a pool of insecurities, he's the tiny lips of a forehead kiss sitting in the sink, as if to say ' you're beautiful mommal'.

He makes a house a home.
He makes a holiday happy.
He gives non believers something to believe.
He gives broken spirits stitches.
When darkness creeps in, he is our light.
When it's all too much, he is just enough.
He is the peace in the chaos and the calm to my storm.
He is my favorite good morning kiss, and my hardest 'see you later'. #DownSyndrome #NothingDown #wesleyswarriors #t21

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Happy 1st Birthday #ColtonLane

A postnatal #DownSyndrome diagnosis! 4 unplanned hospitalizations, and a ton more curveballs thrown our way. #ColtonLane we wouldn’t change it for the world!! Thank you for completing our family! We love you so much! Happy first birthday baby boy! #NothingDown

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Best highchair for low muscle tone??#ColtonLane #DownSyndrome #NothingDown #BrittanysBasketsOfHope #ThisIsDownSyndrome #down

Hard to believe but my little man is almost ☝️!! Looking for the best high chairs for low muscle tone. I’ve googled yes, but would rather have recommendations from all of you! Thank you in advance!


Mosaic Downs? #DownSyndrome

I am just wondering if there are any of you guys that have heard anything about someone come mosaic down syndrome? you hear of down syndrome yet there are other types. I am a young adult woman who has MDS (mosaic Down syndrome). just trying to see if how any people know or have heard of it. #NothingDown #DownSyndrome

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Not so rare, and definitely not alone.

I had no idea how massive the Down syndrome community was until a few months after AJ was born.

Community, by the way, is absolutely the perfect word for it. There are so many support groups and Facebook pages. There are local and national organizations. There are even conferences where you’re able to learn from other parents and professionals, both on stage and in networking.

The community is incredibly supportive. We all have very different stories. Our kids have different health issues and different strengths. But Down syndrome parents truly seem to be a bit of a unique breed who consider anyone impacted by Down syndrome as family and love their children fiercely, sometimes even as if they were their own.

The people we have met through AJ and the Down syndrome community are nothing short of amazing, and we are thankful to have them in our lives.

If you have a child with Down syndrome, I strongly urge you to get to know other families in the area, the advice of “been-there-done-that” parents is some of the best advise you can get. (In Eastern Iowa - try Hawkeye Area Down Syndrome Association).

It’s how we learned where to buy socks and shoes that fit AJs AFO/SMOs.

iIt’s where we learned about the baby signing time app.

It’s how we learned about low tone resulting in our kids often having their tongues out and exercises we can do to combat it.

It’s one of the few places and groups we know we can turn to for any type of issue - health, behavioral, and there will likely always be someone who can step up and say “I hear you, I know it’s hard, keep on fighting.” And sometimes, hearing that from someone who has walked the road before you is the absolute best thing in the world.

#DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth #downsyndromefacts #trisomy21 #t21fam #t21facts #NothingDown #TheLuckyFew #hadsa #Support #dsmom #dsfam #t21mom

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Hanging out in our new onesie....

Thank you so much @brittanysbasketsofhope for the sweet welcome we have received from your organization. I look forward to reading and learning so much from all of the wonderful people in this community. Colton is such a blessing, and I can’t wait to see what this little babe does 😍 #BrittanysBasketsOfHope #DownSyndrome #NothingDown #ColtonLane


Wisconsin’s Nothing Down Ambassador

I am one of the 33 across the globe to be a Nothing Down Ambassador in the state of Wisconsin. I have reached out to several news stations and I have not heard anything back, yet! I’ll be trying again this Monday. #NothingDown #WisconsinAmbassador


#deardoctor film sparks movement in Down syndrome community

We often hear of the heartbreaking ways in which many families receive their child's Down syndrome diagnosis. Earlier this year, Nothing Down co-founders, Shannon Daughtry and Julie Willson, invited ten families to share their stories for a documentary on the overwhelmingly negative way in which medical professionals tend to deliver a #DownSyndrome diagnosis. This video has sparked a huge movement in the Down syndrome community! Thousands of parents are sharing their own personal #DearDoctor stories along with sharing this video. It’s gone viral in less than 24 hours which is so exciting for our community! And it’s even more exciting for the difference this could make for future parents receiving their child’s diagnosis.  It is our goal to change the narrative and to work with the medical community to ensure that EVERY parent is delivered their child's diagnosis with compassion, up-to-date education, proper resources, and #hope. We believe that this film has the strong potential to ignite a much needed change for future parents.
We want you to #JoinTheMovement! Please take part by posting this video along with your own #DearDoctor moment, sharing with the medical community how your diagnosis was received and offering suggestion on how to make it better.
Thank you to the families involved for sharing your stories with the world. We are so grateful to each and every one of you. #BeTheChange #jointhemovement #ThisIsDownSyndrome #NothingDown #unexpecteddiagnosis