Does everyone tell them selves no matter how “good” they feel they will not over do it? Well Sunday was my one day last week that I could spend with my daughter, fiancé and dog all together. I ran on adrenaline all day and thought wow I’m feeling pretty super human today, well super human compared to my normal state. By the time our toddler was in bed the groans of pain began to kick in and before you know it I was in crippling pain, in tears. Now it’s Tuesday evening and I am still suffering the consequence of over spending on my spoons!! I’d love to say I’ll never do this again but I know fine well it is a viscous circle! #OwnWorstEnemy #ChronicPain #invisibledisabilities #Parenting #BackPain #ChiariMalformation #younganddisabled #ChronicIllness #ChronicIllnessConfessions