Have you ever had so much anxiety or anger pent up inside you that the only thing that you can think to do to release it is is scream. Because that is how I feel. I have no idea how to get rid of it. All I want to do is cry and shout and feel the hurt inside me. BUT, I know that, that is not acceptable. Why? Why is not acceptable to release how you feel?? Why is it not okay to feel hurt? To feel sadness? To feel pain?? Because society deems it to be wrong. They see it as weakness. So we are all stuck in this middle ground of feeling hurt but trying to be strong. But all it is really doing is breaking us slowly. We need to be allowed to show how we feel without being called weak, negative or attention seekers. We should be allowed to feel how we feel without others judgement. And this is why, I believe, that mental illness is still such a taboo subject for people. Because they dont want to believe or accept something they cannot see, control or understand. It is time we change that. It is time that we make people understand. Who are the ones to say that we aren't the normal ones?? Perhaps we are the ones to see the world as it truly is. No-one should be telling us what we feel is wrong or right. Who are they to decide?! We are the ones in control of our own fate. So long as you are happy why should it matter?? And that is why I feel so anxious. Because I dont feel I am living up to other peoples standards or not acting in a certain way that society deems acceptable. Maybe, just maybe. If everyone accepted everyone as they are we wouldn't have so many societal issues.

#SocialAnxiety  #Anxiety  #Depression  #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder  #BPDDiagnosis   #MentalHealth #personaliltydisorder #help #Society #understand