I am sure many of you understand this. It is actually quite nice to talk to people who truly get it. But what everyone around me fails to see is that any time I have a productive day, then I know I am going to pay for it the next day. It doesn't matter how physically exhilarating it is. I could be getting stuff done on the computer all day and still have the same results. And no matter how many times I explain that when I say my body aches, I do not mean that it is sore, people still equate it to that.
I just want to scream, "NO HUN, my aches are not the same aches you get after a long day at work. It is an indescribable pain that doesn't go away. In fact, it is only getting worse. It is not just a part of getting older! YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM GOING THROUGH!!!! You would never speak this way to someone with cancer. And I am not comparing my illness to cancer, but if you think doing so would be absurd that is exactly how I feel when you compare my pain to yours!!!!!"
But instead of saying all of that I usually just nod along and silently suffer. It is like people think I am just making excuses or something. I want to start calling people out when they say some rude and ignorant.
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ignoranceisnotinnocence