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Does having a constant, embarrassing need for friends to always be talking to you and then having mild panic attacks when no one replies back and when no one can come hang it connected to having too many mental issues? Or is it just being needy?


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Uncontrolled crying episodes

Does anyone else have crying episodes? Anything big or small can set it off..sometimes it even happens with no known reason; it is annoying and exhausting. Wish I could go a whole day without crying at all.

Ex..the other day I had a crying episode simply because the cake I was eating was all gone. Then I cried even harder because I felt upset towards myself for wanting more.


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#CPTSD #BodyDysmorphicDisorder #SocialAnxiety #SeperationAnxiety #SuicideSurvivor #SelfHarmRecovering #PanicDisorder

If i talk about my mental issues or past expierences, the other person is nice and shows interest in being a suportive friend and of course I am just as kind and supportive in return. But when my face is seen...i am told that "you are too pretty to be feeling that way about yourself" along with "you're making things up and exaggerating situations for attention".

It hurts to not be taken seriously; I simply need help and am reaching out for it. Even back when I was in school, teachers have scolded me in front of the class saying that "you look too normal to be this stupid" and should "act normal and solve the questions as easily as everyone else" and to "stop making up stories for attention" so many others just assume that my life is easy and had it all handed to me because of how I look. But it is quite the opposite of what they think.

... even recently been accused by someone very close to me of faking a panic attack for attention..why would anyone want to fake something like that? I am not a twisted person feeding off of pity; I am broken real badly and am unable to heal on my own. I just want to heal from my past and be comfortable in my own in, does it really have to be this hard to be heard? I've tried everything I can on my own. It's impossible to heal alone.

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Why is it too hard to look at the mirror? Usually close to 10 seconds is the longest i can look at myself before starting to cry or's exhausting.
