I overslept this morning, as usual I wasn’t able to turn off my brain last night till about 3. Normally I would wallow in the fact that I already messed up my morning and decide to make my day one tomorrow, but I’m instead trying to allow it and just continue on. I feel zero hunger (especially without smoking) but I’m going to try and feed myself anyway. I’ve been reading a lot about celery juice and how it helps with inflammation and a bunch of health issues so I’m going to try and incorporate that in my mornings on an empty stomach when I can. Along with a blueberry banana peanut butter smoothie and a big glass of water.

I’m also starting my day with some journaling and a few affirmations (which I still feel so silly saying when I don’t necessarily believe it). This week my affirmations are going to be very simple-

I honor my body even when I don’t want to
I am worthy of love (or I’m worth it). This second one is going to also function as a counteractive statement to my continuous thoughts of “what’s the point”. What’s the point? Because I’m worth it. Again, I don’t really feel that way right now but the point is try and change that right?

Anyway I know this can seem like a lot, I definitely don’t have as much trouble with my day ones as I do with the following days, and often times I overcommit myself which almost set up those following days for failure. But the goal is progress not perfection and one step and one day at a time. It feels nice having a place to write all this and I’m really hoping that by doing this I’m able to not only keep myself accountable, but also help others to do the same and reach some of their goals on their self-love journey.

Feel free to share any thoughts, have a great day everyone! #Depression #Anxiety #Selfcare #DayOne #Selflike #wecandothis #Support