I am #beyondworthy because
I choose to be,
The noise in my head does not define me!
From the moment i wake up,
I‘m at war with my brain,
And no one understands the extent of my pain.
The world see’s me
With a smile on my face,
But has no idea how I feel out of place.
I am #beyondworthy because
I’ve accepted my fate;
It’s time to tell others that
It’s never too late!
Recovery is possible, you’re life will go on,
“Control is mine now,
I’m no longer your pawn”
Yes, I can do this,
So the whole world will know,
I am #beyondworthy because

#MightyPoets #TheMighty #iam1in4 #beyondworthy #BipolarAwareness #StopTheStigma #spiritofastorm #MentalHealthAwareness #Depression