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Looking for Positivity and Hope

Hi Everyone. My husband left me and my two boys about 6 weeks ago after 21 years of marriage. He is a good actor and we had no idea how deeply unhappy he was. We are starting mediation soon and I am looking for your support in ensuring I stay strong during the process and am able to support my children. My kids will be staying with me and I will be their primary support both emotionally and financially. Thanks in advance for your support during this extremely hard time. #seperation #strongwomen #mom #Rebuilding


Looking for authors with disabilities #RareDisease #Pain

The Rare Bird Writes is launching in less than a month!
In a nutshell, the blog is a writer's forum where rotating guests and permanent authors pen pieces that make you really think about someone else's perspective. Even if you still disagree with them afterward. A peaceful site that really values first amendment freedom of speech for everyone. The only thing that won't be tolerated is negative hate, backlash, trolls, etc. I have a fast banning finger when it comes to negativity and hate. lol.
Or, as we say on the homepage: Viewed from a spectrum of perspectives, we explore rare opportunities and experiences voiced in a compelling, unique way. This is a collaborative project that asks community members to submit their own stories in order to gain a kinder, more informed perspective on the world. This is your corner of the web – enjoy.

I'm looking for authors who maybe have never submitted a piece anywhere but maybe are a wee bit scared to make the leap. It is scary when you put your writing (soul) out there for the world to see.

You'll have access to an editor that will help you polish any pieces that you submit, just make sure you note that you would like assistance.

I'm especially looking for  #strongwomen , #RareDisease sufferers, and minorities to share their truth and give the world a chance to walk a virtual mile in your shoes.

If you're interested or would like more information, email
or tweet me at @ElleBecker2
Facebook page coming soon!

Everything. Many people who have chronic illnesses or are chronically oppressed are incredibly creative.
Send your
~Short Stories
~Novellas (published as a serial on the site)

If you're interested in being a "known expert" for the advice column, let me know which area(s) you are a master in. This will be a few months down the road as we gather questions, but it should be very fun.

Thanks all and thank you for being here.

Elle Becker

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#Endo #Endometriosis #strongwomen #endowarrior

Living with Endo....
Are you taking a pain pill again?
You cant always have pain.
Stop pretending.
Stop complaining, others have real sickness...
But you have a child, What are you complaining about?

#Endo made my life dufficult.
it is the worst having pain and cant explain it to people.
People constantly judging, and not understanding.

We are #endowarrior s and #strongwomen .

I am #Blessed to have a child that does not mean that my #Endo is cured.
It is worse after my boy's birth.
Good luck to every woman/girl with endo...
May God bless you and Help you on your journey.