I’ve been in the darkest place I’ve ever been in my entire life for the last six months. Depression. Anxiety. “Someone shoot me” or “I just don’t want to wake up” kind of suicide idealization. I had no motivation, no hope, nothing. The only thing that kept me going was my anger, and the idea that I could spite life’s BS by continuing on despite it.
I’ve been taking vitamin D for years now, around 2-4,000 ius or whatever the unit of measurement is. I had a recent blood test that found me still on the low side, so the doctor put me on a prescription level of vitamin D. Within hours of my first dose I felt better than I have in years. Today, 2 days later, I feel better than I have in DECADES. I haven’t had a panic attack in about a week, which is a record for the last couple months.
Has anyone else experienced this? #vitaminddeficiency #Depression #Anxiety #PanicAttack #Vitamins #Sunshinehelps