The Captain Part III
Same boat. Same voyage.
Foreboding weather with no safe anchorage.
Wind pushing us in an undesired direction.
An unplanned detour of consequences and bad choices.
I long to hear “Land Ho!”
Just the constant supply of rations,
enough to keep us sustained,
but hope wains and relationships are strained.
This journey? Well, there’s so much out of my control,
but instead of lowering the sail and floundering as a victim -
or being a slave to an autopilot system -
I keep the mast raised, the motor running,
and regain some semblance of control,
taking responsibility for my soul.
I’m a captain, entrusting myself, my crew,
my vessel and my course
to The Captain.
Please, say “Land Ho!”
© Mark Bryant 22 July 2019