“When it rains, look for rainbows and when it’s dark, look for stars” 🌈✨

So I don’t post on here as much as I should. But, over the last few days, I feel like I have improved so much over everything (for now, I’m having a good week). I am still yet to receive my #Medication and be referred for different #therapies but I still want to try and continue as normal. I’m undecided about whether I should go for this job that I have enquired about, they said they would give me a ring tomorrow, but I keep thinking...maybe I need something positive to focus on? If I get settled on some medication, maybe that’ll help me lead a normal life. I used to be on medication, then decided to try and manage without it. It’s been 2 years since I took any medication for any of my issues, maybe it’s time to give it a go again.

On a more happy note, I made a new friend the other day via this platform, and I feel totally blessed. It has also inspired me to put my name out there for any of you who feel like they need a friend, a chat, someone to reach out to - somebody to listen to. My twitter is @katie_blacck and my instagram is @katieblacck. My truly beautiful friend has inspired me to do this and I hope she realises the positive impact she’s had on my life over these last few days 💗 I feel like I can conquer anything right now, and I feel like our energies have clashed in a good way. I’m so blessed and it has gave me determination to reach out more on this app. I hope you’re all doing okay xo

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #LetsTalkAboutIt #ClinicalDepression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PanicDisorder #Friends #SocialMedia