I’ve been having a really off week where my mast cells seem to be acting all crazy without my obvious trigger of inclement weather. I blame some of temperature fluctuations just from need to have a comprehensible trigger.

Anyway... I had to beg out of a Zoom call tonight and make someone else host because suddenly (even with extremely dim lighting, a screen on night mode, and migraine glasses) looking at the screen caused me significant pain and I felt sweaty, tachycardic, and very unwell. I felt like I desperately needed to get off and get away from all stimuli (my MCAS often triggers my POTS and sends me into flight or fight).

I wasn’t feeling anxious and it wasn’t a panic attack. Turning off the computer and the lights and removing all stimuli made me feel better. Although I still ended up eventually falling asleep to an Agatha Christie audiobook read by a British gentleman with a very soothing voice.

Does this happen to anyone else with Zoom? The reaction was sudden and extreme. I wish I could more precisely pinpoint my trigger. It was very unpleasant. #MastCellActivationDisorder #mastcelltrigger #zoommeetings #zoomreaction #triggeredbyzoom #lightsensitivity #LivingWithPOTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome