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What's New in Turkey

Covid Thanksgiving

I’ve never spent Thanksgiving alone. But this year, because if covid, my parents and myself, will be unable to go to my sister’s house for the holiday. My sister informed each of us that she won’t be dropping off meals for us. I have psoriatic arthritis and my parents are in their 70’s with heart issues. I’m sad to be alone and I’m sad that my sister is being so unkind. I’m not able to cook for myself and my parents aren’t able to either. If the situation was reversed and she was all alone and sick and disabled, I would always think of her. #alone #covidthankgiving #disappointment #PsoriaticArthritis #Fibromyaliga #Turkey


Turkey Day came when I felt like it

#CheckInWithMe #cookedturkeywhenfeltlikeit #Turkey #bestturkeyevermade

Sat. night was 1st night I ever made my own turkey. I'm 71. It was the most delicious turkey I've ever eaten. Serendipity cooking--when you don't have the stuff the recipe calls for, you make it up. Put it in the oven at 11 pm, slow cooked at 250F, woke up to baste every 2 hrs. W/o alarm. Meat so juicy & light, no knife needed to carve. Breakfast in the morning: turkey I could tear apart w/only my bottom teeth & my tongue [dentures don't fit right!].

Gravy & dressing also de-LISH.

That's when I felt like cooking, so that's when I did it! Damn. Only a wee bit left.......

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