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Appointment day. Really nervous. I’ve been back and forth with ENT for the last 18+ years and every time X surgery is meant to solve it and then the worst-case circumstance of Y happens. Finally getting told how my hearing is doing as well. Probably a bit of a trauma-related anxiety as when I got bad news last time my ex broke up with me within the hour of telling them. I know my partner wouldn’t do that, but having had something happen once means that the fear of it happening again is always somewhat there, regardless of any differences or specifics.

Also have my blood test tomorrow. Last one was abnormal & WBC was on the lower side of normal despite being ill (normally the opposite happens), and having had a quite low WBC before (which landed me seriously ill in hospital) the anxiety is there. I’m sure it will be fine, it’s just again a trauma response.

#ent #appointments #bloodtest #wbc #Anxiety #Trauma #Waitinggame #appointmentday

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currently waiting to see my neurologist. Trying to find out if my flashbacks are actually classed as seizures or are just PTSD trauma. #PTSD #Epilepsy #Waitinggame


Tomorrow means waiting for my phone to ring #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

Tomorrow’s Monday. It’s pretty normal for people to dread the start of another busy week etc. Except for me tomorrow is looking pretty nice. I’m free all morning, I only have a could hours of babysitting with super easy kids I love and my normal Monday night class is canceled. I should be thrilled about tomorrow. But I’m not. My #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder has picked up on all the phone calls from doctors I’m currently waiting on. And tomorrow starts another week of waiting for the phone to ring. I’m so tired and so stressed and I honestly want everything to just stop. I’m not suicidal, but I really wish I could pause my life right now. #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #NewOldProblems #DoctorCommunication #Waitinggame