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Appointment day. Really nervous. I’ve been back and forth with ENT for the last 18+ years and every time X surgery is meant to solve it and then the worst-case circumstance of Y happens. Finally getting told how my hearing is doing as well. Probably a bit of a trauma-related anxiety as when I got bad news last time my ex broke up with me within the hour of telling them. I know my partner wouldn’t do that, but having had something happen once means that the fear of it happening again is always somewhat there, regardless of any differences or specifics.

Also have my blood test tomorrow. Last one was abnormal & WBC was on the lower side of normal despite being ill (normally the opposite happens), and having had a quite low WBC before (which landed me seriously ill in hospital) the anxiety is there. I’m sure it will be fine, it’s just again a trauma response.

#ent #appointments #bloodtest #wbc #Anxiety #Trauma #Waitinggame #appointmentday

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Appointments coming

#Doctors #appointments

Good morning everyone. How are you all doing today? I wanted to share that I'm seeing 3 doctors within a 3 week period. An ent in 2 days, a neurologist in a week & a spine doctor in 18 days. I'm becoming a little anxious about each of these appointments for a few good reasons. There's lots of pressure on me to say the right things & explain to them that my problem is real & is affecting my quality of life. Problem is the issue that is causing me digestive issues, swallowing issues/clicking throat, grip issues, posture abnormalities, gait disturbance/ wide based gait, tinnitus, tmj etc. I have proof of the digestive symptoms yes ew, but they may be critical in figuring out if I have an infection or not. The neurologist will need to figure out on top of all that if radiological findings are just porencephaly or something more sinister.

My guess for the first set of problems is an encephalitis of some kind. I've read about how infections can be dormant then occur suddenly after stress, excercise etc. Before we moved houses I got a pinched nerve in my neck that with correction unleashed its wrath on my poor body. I'm hoping the neurologist can piece together whats going on there. Bloodwork, urine etc have comeback normal so I don't know how we are going to detect something that is getting harder to find? The spine doctor will need to figure out why I have a posture lean. The ent will need to figure out if my swollen lymph node & nodule are benign or cancerous. There's alot we need to figure out & its kinda overwhelming. I hope all will be revealed soon. I'll keep you guys & gals updated as I learn more. Have a great day.

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Quick Tip Thursday Repeat: Check the Accuracy of Your Blood Glucose Monitor and Continuous Glucose Monitor at Doctor’s Appointments

Compare your results with the machine from the doctor's office when you attend your doctor's appointment. This will reveal if there are any discrepancies.

(Had some tech issues with the program that I normally use so decided to share a quick tip repeat!)

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Health #HealthCare #appointments #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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Quick Tip Thursday: Check the Accuracy of Your Blood Glucose Monitor and Continuous Glucose Monitor at Doctor’s Appointments

Compare your results with the machine from the doctor's office when you attend your doctor's appointment. This will reveal if there are any discrepancies.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Health #HealthCare #HealthcareProviders #appointments

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All Day I Waited for a Phone Call That Wasn’t Coming

I’m sure I’m not the first to do it and I’m sure I won’t be the last, but it was my first time mixing up appointments.

~discouraged, embarrassed, defeated~

Many emotions surfaced yesterday upon the realization I wasn’t getting a phone call from my doctor.

“How could I have mixed it up.” The mantra repeating through my mind as I wept defeated in my room. Embarrassed for asking my partner “to make sure he was home” so he could listen to the call as well. My memory, my mind since this diagnosis definitely hasn’t been in it’s tip-top shape.

Anyway, today is the day I hear from the oncologist. Hopefully there’s some sort of plan since the surgeon won’t go anywhere near the mass. Seems like every doctor just wants to pass me to the next like a baton. A baton no one wants..

#appointments #CastlemanDisease #whereismymind

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Scoliosis Appointment

Today I had my appointment at the scoliosis clinic. Surprisingly there has been a significant improvement in my curve in my spine. I had to have an X-ray which brought some anxiety as that is the last thing I remember before I was put in an coma so I’m not a fan of them anymore 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was officially signed off the clinic 🎉🎉 another one down Woop woop 🎉🎉🤯❤️ #Trauma #Scoliosis #PTSD #appointments

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Does anyone ever have trouble keeping appointments?

So I have been forgetting doctor appointments or sleeping past appointment times, is this the depression, ptsd, and anxiety? Or is it laziness? Could it be my dyslexia? FeFealing pretty bad about myself....
#appointment#appointments #PTSD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #missed #Doctor #dontknowwhat #dontknowwhattodo


Anyone else feel like they spend their life chasing up and going to appointments/referrals?

One's been cancelled possibly for a second time, an appointment in January just got cancelled and I have to call to find out why, one won't be reviewed til Dec 16th and a fourth I have to call to confirm. Add to that the fact I get really anxious about calling people and am currently chasing the university to get my exams moved because of a really bad flare...
#Ugh  #CheckInWithMe  #appointments   #EhlersDanlosSyndrome  #possiblepots   #ChronicPain  #overwhelmed


Tuesday's Journal Entry #52SmallThings

I had labs drawn, 3 doctor appts, and was on the phone several times with several different RN's between yesterday and today, so I'm feeling pretty tired but I did get some peppers and eggplant roasting in the oven. It smells so good! I'm grateful for being able to do something good throughout the busyness.
#52SmallThings #appointments #phonetime #veges #grateful #thankful #practice #Gratitude