Every day is a new challenge a step into the unknown of anxiety and fear.
With each day there is many reminders ,
With every loud footstep
With every shower #neverenough #selfaware
With every social media scroll the aim to be perfect
With every meal the food uneaten
With every look in the mirror
With every wardrobe choice
With every conversation
With every passing stranger and every well know friend
With every drive
With every peice of work
With every going and coming
The overwhelming and controlling need to be thin, be loved, be honest, be wanted , be the best , be pretty , be present , be clever ,be liked and be accepted
There is a never ending battle and two steps forwards comes with one step back
There are good day and there are bad day and there are all over days
But with the comings and going of each day there is the knowledge that I am the same and with that security comes power of knowledge because with every passing feeling there is a passing choice , a choice to believe, receive or be deceived
Feelings are there but we choose to reject or keep them and as a individual we have the choice of mindset- positive or negative. The choice of how we react , the choice of what we believe the choice of what we involve ourselves in and be part of.
These are many choices which on days are easy and on days are overwhelming
But whatever is accomplished big or small when the day ends we know that the sun will set and it will rise agin , whatever our fears , failures and desires tomorrow will be a new day with new challenges that will change us and new opportunities that will shape us
So take one day a time , each moment as its own. Take a deep breath and smile for there are many opportunities seen and unseen.
Cultivate kindness, grasp gratitude and understand the power of positivity
Theses difficult moments will still remain but how we respond to them shall change and with every step forward the thought process is adapted , as when we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.
For you shall bloom wherever you are planted.