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Feeling so confused and lost

I feel like I’ve never known how to properly “manage” myself. My mind has been a blur lately and I’ve just been going through the motions. I do that sometimes. I have #Bipolar2 and just recently am realizing something about myself that I never knew… I maybe on the #AutismSpectrumDisorder and I’m unsure how to process that? I’ve had a lot of change the last year and fell very unregulated. I’m trying to stop myself from going down into a hole but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to. I’m sleeping a lot on my days off and having a lot of trouble processing my thoughts and focusing. It’s been really hard for me to function lately. My #Anxiety is very high and I suffer from #CPTSD I recently got out of a physically abusive relationship well 6 months ago. The last 3 months have been a total blur. I was doing ok but then I’ve just been all over the place since. I’m exhausted trying to fight my mind. Trying to just be able to function. I feel like I can’t catch a break. My life isn’t bad I just can’t focus enough to process it. I go through periods like this where I just kinda exist and lose track of life passing me by. I struggle to even accept myself when I’m like this, let alone like myself. I just feel so “abnormal” it sucks. I can’t keep up. I fell apart in 2013 during my last year of college… I failed my senior year. I’m just realizing that the reason I fell apart may not have just been my on set of my bipolar disorder but the dealing with hypomania for the first time may not be the sole reason I “broke down” I’m now seeing it may have also been that I had been #Masking my autism and before the mania I was able to do that but after that I wasn’t able to successfully mask anymore and that’s why I couldn’t finish school and why my life started to fall apart. I’m feeling really lost right now and do not know what to do? I’m feeling really alone too. I can’t manage to keep friendships because it’s just to hard with all of my mental health conditions and now I’m realizing the autism may also be a reason I struggle so much with maintaining friendships as well. I’ve never been loved for who I am and that just really sucks. People make me feel like I was better before I “fell apart” in 2013. I always thought the #Bipolar2 was to blame but now that I’m realizing that the #Autism may have also been a factor I’m starting to think it’s not the bipolar disorder that people can’t accept, it’s the fact that they don’t like the real me. The unmasked me. The masked me was “together” I liked her but I haven’t been able to get back to that place since and I feel like no one has loved me for who I really am. This post 2013 me is who I’ve always been but everyone wants the masked me back. But that was never the real me to begin with. Maybe I can learn to love the real me and not want the old me back because that wasn’t the real me. Maybe if that’s how I finally look at it maybe I can make peace with who I am and not keep wanting to go back to the masked me? Because that was never real and being real is the way to truly live. If you’ve read this far thanks. I feel strange even posting this because I ended up almost journaling instead of writing a post but maybe writing this as a post for actual people to read maybe what I needed opposed to writing my thoughts in a journal no one will ever read. Maybe I finally had an ah ha moment? I need to stop doing what I’ve been internally doing for over a decade wanting to be the old together me because that me was the masked me not the real me and I haven’t gotten back there because she was never real and she isn’t where I’m meant to be. She served a purpose, a lot of me wishes I could have masked long enough to get my degree but that wasn’t meant to be either. I need to love the real me because there’s nothing wrong with her and she has worth and chasing after a masked version of myself is never going to make me happy. And if the people in my life want that girl/young woman back then they only accepted the masked me and that’s on them. Maybe I can finally start the journey on loving the real me which is the real thing that has been truly holding me back the last decade. Yes figuring out how to manage my bipolar disorder better will be helpful but knowing now that old me was a mask and a lie and not who I should want back because I’ll never be able to love who I really am if I’m chasing my masked self. That’s led to years and years of disappointment and is why I’ve never actually moved forward since. I’ve “survived” so to speak but have been stuck in the shadow of my former self thinking that where I needed to go but that’s the opposite direction I should be going. Knowing that now I can finally move forward and stop trying to chase an artificial version of myself. I was never suppose to put that mask back on I’m suppose to accept who I really am. No one has made me feel proud of the true version of myself and that has been heartbreaking but if I can learn to love and accept her maybe others can too. If they can’t that’s ok too. I can learn to better make peace with that too. Again if you’re still reading thanks I’m drowning on and on but just writing this has made a huge difference on where I was at mentally when I started to where I am now. Like I said before maybe my thoughts needed to be written in a way that was directed towards someone reading this instead of just a journal, to be able to get here to this place. Even if no one does read this I appreciate the mighty for giving me this outlet to express myself to people who I feel safe enough expressing it to. 🩷🩷

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In my own head

Slowly feel as if I’m ruining my own life. All the thought in my head make me feel like nothing makes me happy. I feel like isolating my self and avoiding everyone. I know that wouldn’t help anything. I feel like my long term relationship is ending but I’m the only one that thinks that. And once I calm down an or get reassurance I feel fine.

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Shakespeare in the news

“To be or not to be?”

We shall be talking later in the program to Hamlet, prince of Denmark about his crisis of conscience. Also on tonight’s show:-

“A horse, a horse - my kingdom for a horse!”

What would have had we ask, if Richard the Third had got his wish? Would it radically have changed our perception of the past and our direction in the future? Stayed tuned as discuss this with experts.

“The ides of March have come soothsayer.”

“Aye Caesar but not gone.”

If Julius Caesar had listened to and acted upon these prophetic words, would he still be here today?

“But soft, what light from yonder window shines? Tis the east and Juliet is the sun!”

Star-crossed lovers. Professor Brian Johnston discusses the difficulty of relationships, in a cold climate of hatred and suspicion. We compare the situation of the Montagues and Capulets with another well known set of feuding families, the Hatfields and McCoys, later in the show.

“There are more things in heaven and Earth.”

We talk to noted parapsychologist, Erwin Rommel, about the possibility of life after death.

“Out, out damned Spot!”

The problems of raising a puppy. Much ado about nothing? We ask Lady McBeth her opinion.

In the Desdemona murder case, police are anxious to locate the chief suspect’s best friend. If you have any information about the whereabouts of a gentleman named Iago, please get in touch with Crime Stoppers on the usual number.

Talking of crime, we are into the third day of the trial, of Shylock versus Antonio, the former requiring his pound of flesh for a substantial debt owed to him. We are now going over live to the courthouse, where our court reporter Simon Jones is listening to the plaintiff, summing up his argument.

“If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, do we not revenge?”

Powerful stuff! More on this in tomorrow’s program.

Late news: a ship has been lost off the coast of Italy, carrying the King of Naples and the ex-duke of Milan. Search and rescue are not hopeful of finding survivors but there is a faint chance that they might find landfall on a small island reputed to exist in the vicinity.

That rounds up all the news we have for you today. My colleague, Justin Hayward, will keep you updated through the night in bulletins, on developments in these and other stories but from me and the team here in the studio, it’s goodnig

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Friday is my no chores rest day

Or it's supposed to be. I might put my clothes in the bag and get it ready for Sunday. That's if my body stops acting up and behaves.

I'm making myself a pot of coffee. I'll mix it with mud wtr and salted caramel syrup and oat milk like I always do. I think I need new flavors of coffee. I should probably go simple and get a French vanilla or caramel macchiato. I've been getting complex flavors for years. But sometimes simple things are wonderful.

I'm getting 5 packages in the mail today. I love getting packages. It feels like Christmas. I'll share pictures of what I am getting. It's very exciting.

Oh yeah. I made progress last weekend. My girlfriend was out camping with her boyfriend and I didn't have FOMO. I forgot to post that. I talked with my therapist yesterday and he reminded me about it and said he was proud of me.

My ex girlfriend... I haven't talked to her in almost a week. She was rude to me and I was just like well ok be a bitch I don't need to stick my hands in a beehive. I'm letting her fail on her own. I tried helping her and she did fuck all to help herself. I'm closing that chapter of my life. It is sad but it was inevitable.

I've been playing with Meta AI. I got some really nice pictures of an aardwolf puppy. I've also gotten some really good advice with health and relationship support.


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FP lost her BPDP

Realizing almost a year later that I was indeed his FP. The fights that happened monthly got more intense each month. Now I wonder if I should have just not went the last time from the last fight? Would he still be here? Would he have held someone else at gunpoint? Who would have been so violently assaulted? Who would he have stood less than 3 feet away from and pulled the trigger? What could I have done. Now I’m at the point I wish he would have taken me first because the vast amount of punishment mentally I’ve went through is indescribable. Are there BPD/FP relationships that actually do make it??? I need to know more, please #pleasereadwithcaution #FPLOST HERBPDP

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Utterly depressed #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OppositionalDefiantDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #CheckInWithMe

Right now I’m just so depressed 😔 I earnestly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible! It says true happiness can only be found in Christ Jesus ! I need my relationship with God to be better and I need to be more obedient to his teachings! I’m just so depressed because like someone stupid I depended on people and things to make me happy and in doing so I again realized that depending upon people or materialistic things to make you happy is absolutely ludicrous because they will let you down every time! And yet I find myself dependent upon them when I know full well to trust and obey God and depend entirely upon Him!! So why am I so stupid and foolish??

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Depressed #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OppositionalDefiantDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #CheckInWithMe

I’m just feeling so depressed 😔 right now and I just want things to get better in my life! I honestly don’t know what to do anymore to come out of this depression I’m in? I’m lost 😞 and don’t know how to feel better ❤️‍🩹 I’m trying to stay positive but it’s not helping I honestly don’t know in what direction to go in? I have literally laid down most of the day! I know I should have been reading 📖 my Bible but I was so depressed 😔 that I didn’t feel like it! I just don’t know what to do? Like right now I feel like everything is just off like something and everything is just wrong with me and I don’t know how to deal with it! I don’t know exactly how to explain what I’m trying to say here! It just feels as my life is off track like a bicycle 🚲 chain ⛓️‍💥 that’s off track that’s the best way I know how to describe it!? Also I had a thought about my ex wife or soon to be ex wife and I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ why I have no desire to think about her at all I don’t even know why that thought creeped in ?? Yet I feel like something in my life is missing?? I honestly loathe this feeling right now I believe I know what is missing in my life my relationship with Jesus Christ is definitely not where it needs to be that’s part of it and the fact that I’m used to being in a relationship and I am missing that as well not wanting my wife back because I don’t want her back I want to replace her is what I truly want so that I can be whole again and feel like my life is complete by having my relationship with Christ and a Godly woman that’s exactly what I need to lift my spirit and feel whole again because right now I feel incomplete and depressed

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I completed my chore today

I filled 4 bags of trash and took them plus one cardboard box to the dumpster today. It took 2 trips. My back really hurts now. But I'm very proud of myself. The only task left for the day is to take my night meds before 10pm. I'm so proud of how focused I have been the last 5 days. I want to make her proud of me. And I want her to feel proud of being with me. I'm not perfect but I love with all I've got. #CheerMeOn #Relationships

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