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Hi, my name is Zoe. I'm a librarian who works on programs for the public. I'm looking for ways to make crafts and other activities more accessible and enjoyable for those with mobility and pain conditions




I'm trying to remind myself I'm blessed because of the hurricanes and all those poor people. But I'm frustrated. I have Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) about to be homeless and have been reaching out for help and getting no where. 211 is by county. When your whole county doesn't have one homeless shelter and yes they can put me on lists for a place but up to a year waiting. The local churches say they only offer food, and told me to call 211. When everything is by county and trying to get to a bigger town that has a homeless shelters and resourses. They said they can't help until I get there. There's no more free phone programs here. I just wish my body could work. Not only do I miss working and being able but what does one do when there's no resources. I've shared gofund me on multiple platforms and nothing. I feel like nobody cares about me and idk what I did wrong... #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #CheckInWithMe #ChronicIllness #Vasculitis

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On the topic of Addiction

"General population surveys have documented that approximately 75% of individuals with a substance use disorder have experienced trauma at some point in their lives."
-- PubMed Central, National Library of Medicine.

Time and time again, I see comments from people online saying things like:

* People with addictions have no-one to blame but themselves.
* Addiction is a lifestyle choice.
* Addiction only happens to certain kinds of people.
* People with addiction are all criminals.
* People with addiction need tough love. Helping them just enables drug use.
* Addiction medications are just replacing one addiction with another.
* People with addiction are hopeless.
... and on and on it goes.

Statistics show that the vast majority of people with addictions are doing it to self-medicate. Some things, such as some types of illicit drugs, have the additional side effect of feeling good while they're being taken, but my argument is that people don't take them primarily for that reason.

They take them to dull/block out emotional and/or physical pain.

[Aside: I, until 2.5 months ago, used to do the same thing with nicotine, be it smoking and/or vaping. Every time I felt stressed or anxious, I craved nicotine. My body screamed for it. And I would find myself huddled somewhere away from everyone else, puffing away, because smokers are considered pariahs these days.]

Not every form of emotional pain is linked to trauma, but every traumatic backstory leads to emotional pain. It's perfectly understandable to want to kill that pain with whatever you can get your hands on, whatever works. Let's face it; Mindfulness really doesn't help with genuine distress, it helps with mild symptoms.

Tearing into people with addictions helps no-one - *especially* not the person with the addiction. It makes them feel worse than they already do. Don't people realise that the person with the addiction already *knows* they're addicted, and likely wish they weren't?

With seeking help for addictions comes the realisation and reality that once you kick the habit, the feelings you were trying to kill will come flooding back. Often it feels like they come back with a vengeance, to make up lost time, as it were. Quitting an addiction is downright heroic, because you have to face all your inner demons.

That's why addiction centres usually have 28-day programs, full of group and 1:1 therapy sessions. It takes approximately a week for the drugs to leave a person's system (the detox process is usually brutal in and of itself), then they need time and help afterwards. They also need to be among people going through a similar process, for inspiration and support.

[Aside: For anyone interested in the topic of addiction centres, I recommend the movie '28 Days' (not to be mistaken for '28 Days Later', a *very* different genre of movie.) It's a comedy, but does go quite deep into the more serious aspects of addiction. You can rent it through the Google TV or YouTube apps; it used to be available upon Netflix, but they've since removed it.]

Have you noticed the language I have been very careful in using for identification, yet? At no point have I used the word 'addicts'; I have always used the term 'people with addictions'. That is deliberate, as people are not natural addicts. They have addictions. I'm not sure if I believe in the so-called 'addictive gene' theory. I suspect I lean more into the no camp, as I believe the main cause of addiction is trauma, not genetics. That doesn't mean, however, that the two can't be at play, simultaneously. I am open to being wrong.

So the next time you see a person with an addiction, be it out on the street, in a psych ward, or even just looking into your bathroom mirror, think about what might have brought them to that point in their lives, and seek for some compassion and sympathy within yourself. If you're walking, or have walked the addiction path before, you can also try some empathy. It costs nothing, but means everything.

No-one chooses for their life to feel out of their control. They don't choose the tragedies in their past. They don't choose addiction.

#MentalHealth #Addiction #SubstanceRelatedDisorders #SubstanceUseDisorders #PTSD #Trauma #compassion #Sympathy #Empathy #AddictionRecovery #Recovery

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Self-Leadership for Codependents with Dr. Nicholas Jenner: A Journey to Personal Autonomy and Healthier Relationships

I’m thrilled to share with you an incredible opportunity to introduce your group to Dr. Nicholas Jenner, a highly experienced therapist and coach with over 20 years of expertise in helping individuals—especially women—overcome the challenges of codependency. His newly launched program "Self Leadership for Codependents" is designed to guide women towards breaking free from the constraints of codependent relationships, fostering emotional independence, and embracing a life of personal autonomy and so bringing harmony to the relationships around them.

In addition, Dr. Jenner would be delighted to offer a live presentation or Q&A session for any groups interested in learning more about his work and the program. This interactive session would provide a unique opportunity for participants to engage directly with Dr. Jenner, ask questions, and gain deeper insights into overcoming codependency and fostering personal autonomy. His open and approachable style makes these sessions especially beneficial, as they encourage meaningful dialogue and personal reflection. Dr. Jenner is eager to share his knowledge and support those on their journey to healthier relationships and self-leadership. 

Dr. Jenner brings a unique and compassionate approach to his work, blending proven therapeutic methods and practical, actionable advice. 

Dr Jenner says:

`Codependency is the undiagnosed disorder of our modern age. Often misunderstood, often misdiagnosed, often unrecognised, it is said to affect vast amounts of people across the globe. It does not discrimate between gender, race, age or culture and is indeed generational as well. That said, there is strong evidence that women are more likely to be affected. This is borne out in my experience working daily with codependents`

His methods offer a clear and supportive pathway to personal growth and healthier relationships, making his program particularly valuable for women’s groups like yours that are dedicated to addressing and overcoming codependency—a pervasive condition where the needs of others are often prioritized at the expense of one’s well-being.

Here’s why Dr. Nicholas Jenner would be a fantastic addition to your group’s programming:

Expertise Rooted in Experience: With two decades of dedicated practice, Dr. Jenner deeply understands the specific challenges women face in codependent relationships. He offers tailored strategies to build emotional resilience and reclaim self-worth.

Practical Tools for Real Change: Dr. Jenner’s advice isn’t just theoretical—it’s designed to be applied in daily life. The program provides accessible tools and strategies that will make a tangible difference in the lives of women striving for personal autonomy.

A Journey That Resonates: Dr. Jenner’s own experience with overcoming codependency adds a powerful, relatable dimension to his work. His story is not only inspiring but also serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for those seeking to make meaningful changes in their lives.

Here are a few discussion topics Dr. Jenner could explore with your group:

Understanding Codependency in Women: Delve into how codependency uniquely affects women, its impact on self-worth, its implications for relationships, and why codependents are attracted to certain “types”.Breaking Free from Codependency: Learn practical steps to overcome codependent behavior, assert personal needs, achieve true autonomy, and enjoy genuine relationships.Proven Therapeutic Methods: Discover how Internal Family Systems therapy combined with inner child work and behavioral therapy, in a three-stage process, can address the root causes of codependency, offering a transformative path to self-healing.Self-Leadership for Codependents: Gain insights from Dr. Jenner’s new podcast series, featuring self-help exercises, journaling prompts, and meditations designed to aid women on their journey to personal growth.

Dr. Jenner’s profound expertise, coupled with his genuine dedication to supporting women on their healing journey, makes him an engaging and impactful speaker. His ability to connect with audiences through empathy and expert guidance has made him a sought-after guest on various platforms.

I would love to discuss the possibility of featuring Dr. Jenner in your group’s upcoming programs. If this opportunity piques your interest, please let me know a convenient time for us to chat further. I’m happy to provide additional information or arrange an introduction.

Thank you for considering this exciting opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of working together to bring valuable support to the women in your community.

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I have destroyed my life…..literally….I am done

Hi. I don’t know how to talk about this….I think I should talk about this, because I am losing my mind…..I spend all my days now thinking about dying, isolating myself, desperate…..and I don’t know what to do……I look back at my life around a year ago and it was great…I was happy with my life, happy with myself…..have you ever looked back in your life and seeing this and wondering if you would ever be that person again? how is it possible that you are this……someone you don’t recognise? I was happy, I was working a lovely job as a teacher, I loved socialising with my friends, I volunteered in amazing programs….damn, I was happy……i’m writing this crying and remembering it like a story that’s not mine…… a year ago I met this man. Yes, the perfect man that you wait for a lifetime and then you wonder what you’ve done to deserve him….handsome, smart, a great lover…….we began the story of my dreams. we made plans together, of a living, of a family……one year ago I was the happiest in the world……he had had a car accident before knowing me and he wasn’t working at that time, but he had worked in IT, he appeared to be ok with his life. we moved in together. he met my grandmother, my parents, my friends…… and we were always talking about our family together. he said he wanted us to have a house together, so we should borrow money from the bank to buy one. we waited until he was back on his feet regarding his health and he got a job. he got hired in a good company, in IT, earning almost 3000 euros monthly. as he hadn’t been working for long enough, he proposed that I should be the one to borrow the money for the house. and I did. he said that with his salary we would pay for the house and with mine, which was smaller (around 600), we would eat and stuff. I borrowed money from 3 banks and financial institutions , one after another, to sum up the necessary sum for the house. we had the money in the house and we were about to buy a house a month ago. and he disappeared with the money. he disappeared. he disappeared!!!!!! I don’t live in America, I don’t live in the country of movies and unbelievable life stories. I live in a small european country where nothing out of the ordinary happens. and then…..i find myself home alone, with the man i love gone with all the money. for one of the loans I guaranteed with my parents house. both my parents are retired based on medical situations. i’ve been trying to reach him since. i went to the police, they told me that there is nothing to do, as i did this myself. they told me that i was not forced, coerced, threatened….so i cannot even make a complain, as he can come back and complain of wrongly accusing him, as i have no proof for anything….i have been living a nightmare for some weeks…. i have 2700 euros debt to pay every month and i cannot pay this….i am about to lose my sick parents’ house and leave them on the streets…..i have almost 100,000 debts with risking to lose my parents house and i feel like i’m losing it……i don’t know how to get out of this… father had a stroke a few years back……i can’t do this to them……..i cannot get out of the house……..i have …….writing it makes it so real and i am so scared……i wish i could die…….but i will leave my parents on the street…and in a lot of debt as the house would only pay for one of the loans…….oh, i thought of it……i’m thinking about it every second of hour of every day……i don’t know what to do…….i don’t know what to do…….i look back at the nice life i had and i look at myself now…… can someone’s life can become so bad……how could he do this? how is it possible that i am also concerned for him after all this? how stupid am i???????

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Prioritizing Privacy and Confidentiality in Recovery

Seeking recovery from substance abuse and alcohol addiction is a bold step that empowers individuals to reclaim their well-being and happiness. Unfortunately, many people are apprehensive about seeking help, worried that their sensitive information may leak and spiral into serious personal, social, professional, or legal repercussions.

Individuals can fast-track their journey to sobriety and healing by aligning themselves with practitioners and facilities that uphold high levels of privacy and confidentiality. They also have a part to play in keeping their treatment matters private.

Discover the importance of privacy as well as the legal and ethical obligations and responsibilities of both practitioners and individuals in ensuring the integrity of information before, during, and after drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

The Value of Privacy and Confidentiality

Addiction is already a difficult matter as is. The affected individual may already be struggling with remorse and shame. Throwing their sensitive information around may have negative ripple effects on their lives, exposing them to issues like stigma and discrimination in workplaces, social settings, and legal proceedings. This also puts their health and well-being in harm's way.

Another reason for maintaining high levels of confidentiality in addiction recovery is to facilitate the success of the treatment. A comfortable, fully invested patient is easy to work with. Excellent privacy measures can help take fear out of the equation, helping them focus fully on their treatment and healing. It establishes trust and solidifies the client-practitioner relationship. This peace of mind motivates them to open up and get to the depth of matters.

Therefore, the best practitioners and rehab facilities aim to create safe spaces where individuals seeking drug and alcohol use recovery can get vulnerable and heal faster. Individuals, on the other hand, should do their due diligence to identify such facilities.

Key Privacy Measures in Addiction Recovery

Quality measures from the patient and practitioner can facilitate a smooth and successful treatment. These include:

Understanding Privacy Protection Laws

In many countries, there exist laws and regulations that entitle patients to privacy protection and confidentiality before, during, and after substance use treatment. Such policies stipulate the legal obligations of healthcare providers in handling and securing patients' information like diagnosis and treatment records.

Under such laws, patients also reserve the right to assess their records and have any inaccuracies removed. Additionally, the practitioner shall, under no circumstances, share any patient information with other practitioners or entities without the knowledge and written consent of the patient. Examples of these laws are the HIPAA and Code of Federal Regulations Title 42, Part 2 in the United States.

The best practitioners take these legal and legal responsibilities seriously, train their staff accordingly, and keep abreast of any nuances and changes. They also clearly explain these matters to the patients and help them understand under what circumstances their treatment details will be used.

Patients should be proactive and inquire about the laws and regulations their prospective providers should and do adhere to. They should also seek to know the facility-specific privacy policies the staff operates under, secure record-keeping protocols in place, and any other relevant details.

Embracing Customized Treatment Plans

Every individual is unique, therefore privacy preferences may vary from patient to patient. One may only be concerned with the privacy of their treatment information. High-profile people like celebrities, politicians, athletes, and royalty may want complete discretion where nobody finds out they checked into a rehab facility. Others may not want their families, friends, or colleagues to find out about their treatment.

Everyone deserves privacy and the option to choose. Individuals should therefore explore various available treatment options including luxury, inpatient, outpatient, virtual, and in-home programs. They may also choose group or individual care depending on the levels of privacy these plans provide.

Discreet Communication and Anonymity

Whichever treatment option an individual chooses, strict security measures should be implemented when sharing information between patients and practitioners. Virtual communications like emails, text messages, and phone calls should be end-to-end encrypted. On-site treatments should take place in discreet, secluded, or remote locations where nobody can overhear the conversation or see the patient checking in.

An extra security layer implemented by good facilities is ensuring anonymity in treatment documentation and records like billing, invoices, bookings, transportation, and more by not mentioning the treatment names, using pseudonyms, or leaving out obvious details about the treatment facility.

Anonymity is also implemented in support groups where people can use anonymous names. Patients should communicate their privacy needs beforehand so practitioners can do their best to facilitate it.

The Role of the Patient

Patients should also understand their ethical and legal obligations in maintaining their privacy and that of their peers.

They should store their treatment documents and communication details safely, away from unauthorized family members and friends. Should the patient choose to involve the support of family and friends, these parties should be informed on how to uphold high levels of privacy and confidentiality.

In support groups, patients should respect their peers and avoid sharing their treatment details and personal information with others.

Private Care Management

Addiction recovery is a delicate issue. Everyone deserves a chance to heal and rediscover their health, well-being, and vitality. This is only possible when individuals feel safe, knowing that their search for sobriety won’t cause them further problems socially, professionally, legally, or health-wise.

In-home private care management facilitates faster recovery through comprehensive, personalized care. This treatment provides a higher level of privacy and confidentiality than in-clinic programs. It’s one of the most effective recovery programs, well-suited for chronic and complex medical conditions since patients receive close, consistent attention from their clinician and family.

Confidential Private Care Management | Concierge Home Detox

#homedetox #privatecaremanagement #homedetoxforrecovery


Confidential Private Care Management | Concierge Home Detox

Find compassionate home care management at Concierge Home Detox. Get the help you need for complex medical conditions with private care management today.

bridging the gap in the mental health space-Free And Accessible to Everyone

Emotional care is a daily journey and mental health self-aid should be a key component of your treatment program, experts say, and I can attest to this fact by the huge role that I play in getting myself from Treatment-Resistant Depression of the severest level of Major Depressive Disorder inherited from both sides of my family along with their generational traumas, amongst other Complex Traumas/C-PTSD, to Partial Remission, which means that my acute emotional symptoms have abated/subsided and actually are truly gone (according to the experts description).
The only “residual” symptom I have left is a physical symptom- fatigue, which is nowhere near as bad as it used to be, but there are a couple “ADLs” (Activities of Daily Living) that I do need help with.

What I pulled together and updated to share with every single member of our Mighty community is what highly-educated, behavioral health professionals have provided us —specific, well-known, respected mental health and emotional wellbeing websites— quality of information, tools, resources, and support that we all need and have at our fingertips everyday.

If the website pages below do not show up as links, I would be happy to try to put the individual links in conversation threads below if anyone would like me to.

As they say, Knowledge is Power.
My hope is that you put the power into your own hands, and also let us know in the comments below if you have more to add to the below list or if you are familiar with some of these, if you have utilized them and what you think of them.

And, please share this post and the vast amount of knowledge, tools, resources, and support that is here free and accessible to Everyone.

Also, I implore loved ones, partners, friends, family, caregivers to step up more to help us have the environment in which this hard work we push through is not for nothing, but acknowledged, understood, and appreciated.



Psychology Tools Series |

20+ practical psychology tools based in cognitive behavioral science and mindfulness-based theory.

Learning Center - Overview |

Positive Psychology Theory & Tools |

“Positive Psychology Theory emphasizes strengths, rather than deficits, focusing on ways to optimize well-being, rather than just remove pathology. This page showcases both theory and practical tools related related to things like increasing positive emotions, cultivating authentic relationships, and engaging in other pursuits that bring meaning to life.”

Mindful: The Most Trusted Resource for Everything Critical that Mindfulness Can Help You With, And Also To Understand Meditation

Mindful - healthy mind, healthy life

(go to upper left menu for the search bar to find articles on specific topics)

Digital Mindfulness & Meditation Guides - from

You searched for Letting go - Mindful

Calm Archives - Mindful


Verywell Mind - Know More. Live Brighter.



(Website created by Selena Gomez and her mom after Selena’s Bipolar diagnosis)

Mental Health Conditions - Wondermind

Mental Fitness - Wondermind


Tiny Buddha: Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives.

Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In


Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Life:

“dedicated to improving mental health and wellness and furthering inner peace by creating community, educating, and inspiring individuals worldwide through mindfulness practices, online resources, and educational programs.”

Blog - Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life®


The website all about utilizing the newest branch of Psychology- Positive Psychology:

Positive Psychology is so much more than the name says. It’s a dual approach to mental health- where we build strengths supports, and healthy lifestyles, as well as treating illness and distress.

This website is also designed to better help mental health professionals help us even more, but we can learn for ourselves too here.

You searched for resilience - Blog - Helping You Help Others

What Is Mindfulness? Definition, Benefits & Psychology

Self-Therapy for Anxiety & Depression (Incl Questions + PDF)


The Foundation for Post-Traumatic Healing and Complex Trauma Research (a non-profit organization) at this website here: About |

Tar Network |

Legal Resources for Trauma Survivors |

Help Me Find a Therapist |

“Bridging the healing gap”

“To end the cycle of complex relational trauma by providing the safety, life skills, relational education, and reparative experiences a survivor needs so they can create new habits and experience optimum health in every area of life.”

“A diverse, global community of survivors, supporters, helping professionals, and organizations leveraging the latest technologies to offer virtual daily interactive peer support programs and trauma-informed educational resources.”

Daily OM

Self-Development & Healing All Articles - DailyOM

Inspiration Directory

“Our mission is to inspire and empower your journey to greater wellness, healing, and transformation through holistic courses and resources from leading experts around the world.”


Healthy Place:

“ is the largest consumer mental health site on the net. We provide authoritative information and support to people with mental health concerns, along with their family members and other loved ones.”

Self Help | HealthyPlace

Mental Health Support, Resources & Information | HealthyPlace


The esteemed Deepak Chopra, M.D. is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation:

Personal Growth – Chopra

All Articles | Chopra

Deepak Chopra™️ - Official Website


A Conscious Rethink:

A Conscious Rethink: For Your Journey Through Life

explores the topics of interpersonal relationships, mental health, behavior, personality, and life advice. #MentalHealth #Caregiving #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #Trauma #ChronicIllness #ADHD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Disability #SocialAnxietyDisorder #ChronicFatigue #Selfharm #Selfcare #SocialAnxiety #Relationships | Psychology Blog + Social Network

Read thoughtful content from behavioral science experts, post in the forum, and connect with peers on our social network for progressive psychology.
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Just wanted to say Hi!#Depression #Anxiety #c -PTSD #SuicidalIdeation

I am not new here but was never brave enough to post. I have been struggling lately after a recent hospital stay. I have been trying everything to get better. Medications, Psychotherapy, group therapy, CBT, DBT, IOP, partial hospital programs, group home, ECT, Esketamine. I have been diagnosed with treatment resistant major Depressive Disorder, C-PTSD, anxiety and #SuicidalIdeation . I just wish there was something that worked. I not only feel lonely from everyone around me which is no one, but also from the mental illness community because nothing has worked for me. All the different treatments have left me with memory loss and a whole slew of physical problems like migraine, etc. I just feel like reaching out isn't worth it, because I haven't worked hard enough and am totally ashamed. I don't know what way to turn. So I thought I would start by simply saying hi.

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TO THE MAN WITH MS .Asking For Help with His Backboard/Scooter To Get Into Places

Just Not Being Allowed To Enter A Store.A School. Where Ever!! Inclusion for EVERYONE ❣️🇨🇦
In Manitoba Canada. My Sister is in a wheelchair. Due to a Drunk Driver.
She suggests to look for an MS Advocates Group. Or State/Provincial Programs for the disabled. She goes to the disability group that you can get a placard for your car or scooter(anything as a mobility aid). It hangs off the mirror etc. another thing is she was able to get Her Doctor to Fill out a Form Stating This is a mobility Aid. That you need it to get around. A Sticker you put on your device. Possibly a vest that states this is a mobility aid. Not a toy. If You need Assessability Help.Do Not Be Afraid to Call places and ask Questions. Rules are different everywhere!!! By the way. We would like to check out your Mobility Aid?? Is it made by a company whose site we can go to and learn about them?? MANY THANKS. MANY HAPPY DAYS GETTING OUT TO GO SEE YOUR FRIENDS🇨🇦❤️🙏🏻🌹#Rmebrat 🇨🇦Sisters❣️🌹

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Life on Other Planets, a parody of BBC wildlife programs

"Here, on the edge of the Zoogloid nebula, in a system composed of two super-giant planets and a central sun, are to be found several unique creatures. Today though, we are only in pursuit of one - the Aso-Aso. This flying ball propels itself by drawing in air from one end of its body and expelling it out of the other. While this is not its only strange feature, it is none the less unusual in a living being. 

Science has however been unable to examine its other peculiar habit - that of appearing and disappearing at will. Where it goes to we do not know but one second it is there and then in a flash it is gone. This survival tactic isn't pure invisibility as experience by dedicated naturalists has shown. Tracking devices have simply been left behind, when this creature has disappeared, in the few instances where they were successfully attached. Could they be teleporting themselves into another dimension? We simply don't know.

It was thought at one time that they vanished from the surface of this world, to reappear on its sister planet but this was discounted because the other world was discovered to be completely devoid of life. Also of note is the fact that during the mating season, the courting couple as it were, would vanish, returning to this dimension with their young, almost instantaneously. It is as though they require privacy for the mating ritual and giving birth. 

Some biologists thought that they bred through binary fission as with single celled organisms but no proof of this has been found and indeed the very secretive nature of these creatures, means nothing has been witnessed to confirm this theory. It has therefore fallen out of favour and been dropped, quicker than a hot Bodlian Crotchet egg. 

On the other side of the planet, my co-presenter on this epic journey of discovery, the eminent botanist, Sir David Bellowme, will disclose the wonders or the legendary Oso-Oso - a man eating tree as opposed to the free eating man, Sir Bone Grills. Take it away David!"

"Thank you David!
Don't you just love all that squidgy, squelchy water soaked vegetation under your feet and running through your fingers? Well unfortunately, we are here to look for a fabled tree that doesn't actually exist, except in the fertile minds of local tribesmen, who also don't seem to exist. They led our camera crew here and have now skedaddled back to where they came from.

I...What's that funny, hairy tentacle doing, wrapping itself round my left leg? Here comes another from what I assumed was just a local variation of the Araucaria-Araucaria or Monkey Puzzle tree as it is better known. I see the camera crew seems to be following the fleeing natives - come back you cowards!"

We appear to be having some technical difficulties with our link to the other side of the planet, so from all of us here at Life On Other Planets, until the next time, goodbye! “