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In your opinion... clean or not???

Now 49. First psychiatric stay (of four) was at 16. Started using a variety of substances at 28. Have been on meds throughout the entire period. So, in the 12 step fellowship I’m in, thoughts run hot and cold as to wether I’m clean or not being on Adderall. Most of us say that we don’t go to a dentist to fix our cars, so same deal- we as addicts should not act as Psychiatrists. My mental health being stable was the only way I could have gotten and stayed clean. There is fellowship written and approved literature regarding this (mental health in recovery and also chronic pain,) and it’s approved. But, so many are judged because of stimulants being controlled and addictive. Also, a mind and/or mood altering substance. My AD and AP are certainly those too. Any experience or thoughts?
#Addiction #ADHD #12steprecovery #Adderall #narcoticsanonymous #NA


Time to recover #Alcoholism #Addiction #12steprecovery

The wee guy with the saints in his eyes
Eager outstretched hand
Keen and jittery to get far
Wants his 20 year coin in twenty minutes
Clean skin , slack clothes ,
His mammy washed them,
For his new fresh start .... again ,
She really wants this to be that last first ,
His mouth says he wants to survive ,
His eyes tell me he’s already gone,
Spirit flown away with his angels,
He’s signed up for the whole addiction bus ride,
This is just a comfort break,
Shaking the nagging off for a while,
Until the boredom kicks off,
Then he will be back ,
Chasing the joy and oblivion he had that time ,
Long ago,
The saints are there ,
All the ones from his mammy’s pictures,
The ones she prays to,
And they watch as they place his saviours in his path,
And he ambles past them , head down,
They just hope one day,
He will look up.