I’m finished. A month of work. I made this for a friend who voices these characters. She always loved my stuff, on my last birthday she sent a gift card to help me get this painting easel you see on my desk holding the painting. I wanted to give something back after everything she has done for me. I’m planning to see if I can mail this painting to her as a thank you. I’m happy how it came out but also kind of sad I finished it. I wanted her to have a piece of me that she can always keep.
After a month of progress it’s finished. This is really a gift for a voice actress who is a friend of mine who voiced these two characters. On my last birthday she sent me a gift card that helped me getting my art easel that’s holding the painting right now. I wanted to make something for her in return as a thank you for always liking my stuff and a friend. I’m glad I finished it I have to seal it and find a frame and mail it. I’m also kind of sad too since I finished it. At least a piece of me she can always keep.
This one is hat art I painted of an existing character from the anime “Dragon Ball Super” she’s one of my favorite characters I did this months ago for therapy for myself with #MultipleSclerosis took a month to paint. I made it for myself just for fun and if I ever meet people who are fans of the show. #ArtTherapy #anime #painting
So far I’m halfway done with my painting almost a month of work still need a background and touch ups. I’ve been doing this every night for the past month it gave me something to look forward to giving me some time to help me mentally along with my M.S.
Pretty much my Saturday night. It’s looking much better now.
#MultipleSclerosis #ArtTherapy #anime
It’s going well just a little trouble for the giant hamster thing finding the right color scheme of the character and more touch ups. #MultipleSclerosis #ArtTherapy #anime #painting
Anyone a fan of Dragonball Z? I’m a fan since I was 6 years old now at the age of 32. I’m also an artist who enjoys to draw and a multiple sclerosis patient. Yes I made this art piece years ago. One of my favorite characters. (Android 18) It was made from during the early start of Covid-19 in 2020, using stuff from the dollar store such as poster paper, cardboard, cheap paint from Michaels art store and using a home made projector using a box, a magnifying glass and my smart phone. (Thanks YouTube) Took all most the entire summer to do.
Sorry to spam with art. This is the only way to cope and limited places for me to go outside.
Another piece of anime art I made. Adorable character.