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if a rooster laid an egg on a pitched roof what side would it roll down? #boys

it would not roll because roosters are boys and boys don't lay eggs only girls do!



I've had such a hard son will not come home and has been living with my parents and has gotten into a lot of trouble since living with then. Friday I have to go to the DMV with him to get his #restricted Drivers License. He lost his priveleges for having #Marijuana in his car. He has gotten in trouble at school too, yesterday being the most recent, he got referral to prinicpal for sleeping thru class & refusing to wake up per teacher. I'm doing better with #daily #ChronicPain but the emotional pain makes the physical pain alot worse! I feel like I'm failing as a mom and as a chronic pain patient...I haven't taken more meds or anything like that, I'm on a patch, but I feel like my pain is made so much worse with stress & knowing I have to be in court, at FMV, at school on days when I can't predict how I will be feeling.
I just need to say this out loud to someone besides family. I feel like my mom and stepdad are enabling bad behavior because my 16 year old never did this kind of stuff living with me and his father.
So #confused & feeling #anxious a lot. Panic attacks make my #ic flare up, and idk what to do. I have coping skills, but at a certain point enough is enough! Anyone ever feel like they're letting everyone down, even though they're not source of problem? I have been told that my son resents me bc of being do I react to that? How do I "change" that? My daughter age 12 a table the exact opposite about me and my #illnesses . Do #boys handle this differently than #Girls ? #Parents can any of you relate? #helpme # thoughts #flare #emotionalpain #physicalpain