I had my first back surgery Aug. 30, 2019. It was a lumbar laminectomy. Fast forward 4 months into post surgery and I ask my surgeon to get me some imaging cause 2 1/2 months into recovery and I feel a sharp muscle tear or pull in my back. I finished 99% of my physical therapy but I couldn't go on with the very last session due to the increasing pain in my back. I get the imaging done on 12-24 and got my results today. It seems the laminectomy did what it could but I have a bigger underlying problem involving degenerative discs, herniated discs, bulging discs, arthritis and wear and tear. I was told that I need a lumbar fusion of my L5-S1. I am scared beyond belief cause I do not want another surgery. Although I am in pain and I'm running out of resources. I don't know if I should try and get more ESI's in my back or just get the fusion so I can be on the road to recovery. I'd really rather be dead at this point cause either way I go my life is over. #Lumbarfusion #chronicbackpain #Postsurgerydepression #secondbacksurgery #laminectomy #suicidal #I'mtired #aretheranymoreoptions