Being on the Autism Spectrum has made my experiences of the world I live in very unique and recently after reading more on the experiences that people on the Spectrum have that explain how we all have similar experiences when it comes to our senses. Now being a Biology Major and loving the world of science from an early age. I had a thought that started branching out after talking with my counselor about my anxiety and hypersensitivity where lay-off's at my workplace caused me to go into a state of terror. She explained where I am always anxious because of my General Anxiety disorder that another way to look at is that I am always afraid so I experience fear at a much greater degree than most people.I then thought about why we as humans, another animal on this imperfect sphere have such good fear response and why something like Autism seemed to be common across all walks of life. I started researching, as I always do, and I found that in tribal communities that haven't had much contact with the rest of the world as it has "progressed" I found something I found extraordinary. We have found people in tribal communities on the Autism Spectrum that are excelling in their lives. The tribes watch and nurture their natural abilities or whatever they take interest in and become this amazing pillar in the community. I also found they use them as sentries/detectors of possible dangers. I came to a hypothesis that Autism might actually be the next evolutionary step in humans. Because I remember from all the books I've read, documentaries I've watched that mutation and evolution is not perfect. Its messy and has some really crazy side effects. Take deep diving Whales. They evolved to have bones that take in the air from their deep diving and create bone bubbles that actually hurt the whales, but this evolution allows them to dive deep into the ocean for their prey. Which I feel explains why Autism is on such a wide spectrum. On a biological and directly logical point. Having increased sensitivity to all your senses makes you better to detect danger than your peers, which also comes with the increased cortisol, the 'stress' hormone, again better prediction of danger. However, for every benefit, there is a disadvantage. Not being able to communicate or relate to your peers is a very common thing amount people on the Spectrum. However, we are still able to form relationships and live 'successful' lives. Maybe it's the world and society we live in that makes Autism appear as a "disorder" instead of an evolution of the human mind. #Autism