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It's a madhouse!

Today I found out that my friend Naomi lost her job at the (forgive me the name is withheld) company that does upholstry for busses and limos. They're a busy business and she's barely there over a month and already terminated. This is because she made only a few mistakes that were not devastating, but fixable clairical errors. I feel so bad that she had that happen to her. She went through a lot today, as I could hear her crying over the phone. I do not know exactly what time it happened, but it seemed to have occured early in the morning upon her arrival to work. She said it was not the best environment to work within and that there were some things that happened there that were not very good.

One time, she was on the phone with someone who called and was saying he was making a complaint about something (as this is the company's corporate headquarters) and the other lady asked who was on the phone to Naomi. Naomi put the client on hold and said to her who it was and then the lady said to Naomi "HANG UP RIGHT NOW," as it was someone who was trying to sue the company for something that they were dissatisfied with. Ugh. Then there was a time a lady manager got pissed off and slammed her hand down on the desk because she heard Naomi answering a question in spanish that was asked to her by the other girl who spoke spanish about a work related task. She said that they are not allowed to speak spanish, and that they were only allowed to speak english. WOW... That was a huge WTF moment.

Lets just say that things are tough all around for a LOT of people out there. My friend Natalie in NJ has also told me that she was hired for a job, and she bought the clothes required and have all the paperwork signed, but was not given a start date, or a call when she is supposed to start. She contacted them, but management said that they would contact her back. Um.. that's just fucking weird. THIS is what companies are doing to people these days. It's insane. Absoloutely insane.

Valerie Climenhaga
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Tablet

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when I’m overcome with depression and anxiety, I fight.

Gratitude is what saves me every day. When I find myself being overcome with grief, with sadness, when that broken record plays reminding me of the song that depicts the large holes in my heart that will always remain part of its shape, when I’m overcome with depression, and anxiety, I fight. I fight to remind myself what I have and just how lucky I am to have the things I do now. Over and over I repeat and remind myself until the darkness is overshadowed by the light. I do not ignore my grief or sadness or the songs of memory, instead I write. I reflect. I let it out as much as I can while being mindful to not to let it consume me. To not let my children see it consume me, but instead see me fight. See me acknowledge it’s okay to feel sad sometimes, to see me take those deep breaths and grounding techniques to prevent a panic attack, to see mama taking a short break or walk outside, because to tell them to ignore sadness would be a lie. That’s how we get to the point of it consuming us to begin with. You cannot control what feelings you have, but you can work to manage them. So for me, I write. I reflect. I remind myself to breathe. I remind myself how grateful I am. And I fight. #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Breathe #GroundingTechniques #keepgoing #PanicAttacks #Gratitude

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Haven't felt disrespected in awhile

Its been awhile since I posted on here. I moved away from an abusive ex to a new start in Pennsylvania. Rocky start but life is way better now. I have a wonderful dr but as of today, they have really pissed me off. I have been having a fibromyalgia flare up for about 4 weeks now. I've never had one last this long and so I called them. They prescribed me prednisone for infammtion. Great cause that typically helps. Well this time it hasn't. I've already missed some work hours. I'm behind on bills because eof other things that had come up so im stressing out over that as well. This just through me over the top. I asked the receptionist if the nurse could order me something else for pain as I'm having to take one of my nightly muscle relaxers during the day to cope through work. They said they can't do anything until they see me and the earliest I can see someone would be Friday. She then had the nerve to tell me I can take over the counter pain medication. I'm sorry are you fucking kidding me?! If fibromyalgia could be helped eith ibuprofen my life wouldn't be so hard. But it doesn't do shit and the fact that they told me this made me so angry. I feel alone. I feel like no one cares. I'd like them to step in my shoes and have someone tell them you can take some ibuprofen for the severe pain you are in. I havent felt this way in a while and I feel completely defeated. I called a pain specialist in the area and they are able to squeeze me in tomorrow so at least there is some light at the end of the tunnel. However, I'm still worried they aren't going to do anything for me. I've seen pain specialists before and nothing has worked so far and i dont know what else i can do. Ive been using over the counter meds, my medical marijuana, hot showers, heating pads, pain cream. You name it ive done it and my pain still at a 7. #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Defeated #stressed #Anxiety #keepgoing

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Sorry I’ve been mia for awhile but I’m still here!!… at home… in my sweatpants…. 😝

I hope everyone is doing okay. I know how rough the holidays can be. Just know I’m thinking of you all and lifting you up in spirit!! ❤️


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What songs 🌺🥰🎶🎵😇🙂☺️ help you keep going, boost your energy or headspace on a good or bad day?

Feel free to share! Would love to listen to them all :) #Music #Love #Hope #keepgoing #Faith #doingyourbest #coping #Depression #OCD #Anxiety #panic

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Sometimes you see the most beautiful things #inv

I was scrolling through Tumblr just a minute ago and the most amazing thing was in my feed. It talks about how Frodo (who gets a lot of hate for being “weak” and “always needing help/to be rescued “) is actually probably one of the strongest of them all. #keepgoing Sun Dappled Pages