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What qualities do you look for in a good friend?

Building friendships, like any other relationship, takes work, intention, effort, and connection. Not everyone will be a good fit, and that's OK! We are all unique, different, and Mighty in our own way.

When it comes to you making friends, what qualities do you look for? What do you find is most important in building friendships with others?

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks looks for people who are empathetic, thoughtful, loyal, consistent, and understanding. She also finds it important to have and continously work on improving these qualities in herself as well.

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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What do you wish others automatically knew about living with your health condition?

A topic we often discuss here on The Mighty is how difficult it can be when people around us don’t understand what it’s like to live with our health conditions. From sleep issues to symptom management, as well as fluctuating energy levels and the challenge of keeping track of daily responsibilities, it can feel overwhelming at times.

What do you wish others were more educated about regarding your health condition? What information do you think should be common knowledge and treated with more empathy, compassion, and understanding?

Share your thoughts with us below. ⬇️

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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A lesson I'm learning right now is...

Learning lessons can take time, energy, effort, attention, and persistence no matter what aspect of life. Depending on the complexity of the lesson and the circumstances surrounding it, we may need to approach it from different angles and perspectives, take a step back, or even remove ourselves from the picture entirely. The beauty of learning lessons, though, is that once we achieve understanding, we gain the ability to navigate future challenges with greater wisdom and confidence.

A lesson Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks is learning right now is she can't do everything on her own. She's learning how to better manage her time, speak up for herself, and take days off.

What lesson are you learning?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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September mid-month check-in! How has this month been for you?

Hi, Mighties! ✨

We’re halfway through September already—can you believe it? How is this month treating you so far?

Feel free to use any of the following reflection prompts to check in with us about your month (or share whatever feels most comfortable):

⚖️ What are some highs and lows you’ve experienced this month?

📝 How have your symptoms been over the past two weeks?

🐣 If you could describe this month as an animal, what would it be?

📊 On a scale of 1 (Challenging) to 5 (Great!), how would you rate the first half of September?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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What would you love to have an unlimited supply of?

It's Friday, Mighties! ✨

Let's put our thinking caps on today. 🧢 If you had the opportunity to have an unlimited supply of something, what would it be?

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks says she would love to have an unlimted supply of crafting kits and creative supplies so when she has an idea she can bring it to life! ✏️🎨

How about you?

#MightyMinute #DistractMe

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What emoji would you use to describe your mental health today?

It's check-in time, Mighties! How is your day going so far? How is your mental health?

Using emojis, feel free to let us know below. 👇

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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Share what your ideal day looks like.

Navigating a health condition, or several, can vary from day to day. Managing symptoms, attending numerous doctor appointments, and balancing health needs with family, work, school, and other aspects of life can be both unpredictable and challenging. If you could design your ideal day, what would it look like? What would you choose to do—or not do?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. ⬇️

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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List five of your biggest personal strengths.

A personal strength is a personality trait, skill, talent, behavior, or habit that you do really well and is positive or impactful in some way. Whether it be in community settings, at work, home, or when you're alone, personal strengths are what make you shine (and Mighty, of course!). These strengths are also versatile and flexible, which means you can improve and work on them whenever you like.

Let's list our top five personal strengths today because we all have them (and yes, you do, too!). 💪

Here are Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks biggest personal strengths:

🎨 Creativity
💙 Empathy
🧐 Attention to detail
📋 Organization
🧠 Critical thinking

What are yours?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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I'm proud of myself because...

It doesn’t have to be a special occasion or event for you to be proud of yourself! You deserve to celebrate, no matter how big or small the achievement, milestone, or progress.

Today, we're dedicating this #MightyMinute to sharing why we're proud of ourselves.

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks is proud of herself because she was open and vulnerable during her therapy session this morning.

⭐️ If you're finding it challenging to be proud of yourself and need some encouragement, know that we are honored and extremely proud to have you in our Mighty family. You are cherished, valued, and important here. 💌🎖️

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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What's one item you just can't live without?

Happy Friday, Mighty friends! 🌼

To end the week, let's share some of our favorite items.

💡Need some inspiration? This can be anything that gives you comfort, joy, inspiration, or that's helpful to you in some way.

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks has several items she just can't live without! They're her pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals. They help her feel extra comfortable in her room. 🧸

What about you?

#MightyMinute #DistractMe

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