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Phone calls from unknown

So about half an hour ago I got a phone call from a number that I didn't recognise and for some stupid reason my anxiety started acting up. Why though!? I answered the phone call anyway and it turned out to be good news! Finally some good news after being in a dark place for the last days. The application for temporary unemployment benefits is finally accepted! (In the Netherlands it's called "bijstandsuitkering" and I don't really know the right translation for it.)

Which means it's getting a lot easier now to find a place to live as I'm currently homeless and staying at a Nightshelter and spending my days at a Dayshelter from Monday until Friday. The weekends are absolutely horrible, because the Dayshelter is then closed and I just have to spend my days outside. It's like you're not allowed to be homeless between 9:00 and 16:00 during holidays and weekends.

Anyway, does anybody else react the same when your phone starts ringing and you see that an unknown number is calling you? It wasn't even anonymous, I could see the number, but I'm still dealing with the effects of my anxiety now...

#Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #goodnews #Benefits #darkplace #Homeless

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Unsolicited Advice: Get a lawyer from the start #Disability

I have spent some time reading through people's comments and I find a few common remarks like "we all get denied at first" and "you don't need a lawyer" when applying for disability benefits. From personal experience, you chances of getting approved increases greatly when you hire a lawyer from the beginning of the process.
My approval only took three months and I only suffered from anxiety and depression. My approval is in complete contrast to what most people on here experience, and it's because I involved an attorney right from the start. I believe this is what made all the difference in my case. The attorney knew exactly what I needed to provide and what it took to get approved because they've been through the process thousands of time.
And the best part is you don't have to pay anything upfront. You also don't have to pay if you have your application rejected. You only pay them (up to a certain limit) if you get approved.
In my opinion, this is a win win situation. So my unsolicited advice today is, get yourself a lawyer right from the start of the process. Don't wait to get denied before finding expert help.
This webpage at explains really well why you should hire an attorney.

#SocialSecurity #Benefits



My mom brought up a good point. She said, “imagine not having disability benefits right now?”. Honestly I can’t, I was just about to start my job search when news of this Corona virus started. I have just moved into my own apartment (today!) which I’m so proud of. Without disability and the support of my parents I would have to live in my parent’s home at age 32. While it wouldn’t all be bad (hello home cooked meals) they are 70+ and have to most likely begin to slowly quarantine themselves. At this point my cardiologist has emailed me and told me to practice social distancing. That’s fine but only because of these supports that I am so lucky to have. I am so grateful to have disability benefits because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to live the, albeit somewhat, independent life I do now. #CHD #Dystonia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Stroke #Arthritis #Disability #Benefits #corona

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