Me and my partner just had an argument about something that really wasn’t a big deal. Basically we were watching this show live is blind and a black girl had really long hair, he asked me if I thought it was hers I said yes and he said he doesn’t know. Then we had whole other conversation about this music artist who lied about her hair being real. He automatically went to research that after he called me a hater for even saying she lied about her hair (he is a big fan of hers). I then said I wish he would of research borderline personality disorder as much as he researched that because he literally spend almost an h looking into people claiming that the singer lied about her hair, her body and other things. He still think people who said all the “negative” things are haters even though the artist HERSELF admits to having work done… he still doesn’t believe that and claims who ever says anything negative about her is a hater, including me.
That really hurt me because I only had my diagnosis couple months back and since then we had no conversation about it AT ALL. Our last conversation was before my assessment appointment I told him I’m nervous and he just said “well it’s not real mental health issue so I’m sorry I’m not bei no supportive”. He has bipolar type 1 so he is u def the mental health care system in the UK, with the borderline personality disorder is a lot harder to get proper diagnosis and even be signed into their care because you have to show severe symptoms at the time of your assessment. He basically thinks it’s a joke and is not serious at all, meanwhile I’m struggling everyday with image of myself and of how other see me and our relationship.
Going back to the above when I asked him about researching it, he just asked me for the tenth time if I was actually diagnosed. I said yes but I’m not under their care because the lady literally said I’d need to be showing suicidal thoughts more than I do to be signed up for their services, instead they send me home with leaflets for other therapies I can do and if they don’t help they can reassess me next year…. I feel like I’ve got no support, I’m a mum of three boys, I take care of house, bills, kids, him. He doesn’t work because of the stress work gives him and his often relapses so I agreed that we both will be home with kids etc. For the time being while I’m getting help for my mental health but I want to go back to work soon, when our youngest go to nursery. He literally sits home on laptop most of the day on Facebook and instagram. And if I ask to spend some time together it’s problem because “he doesn’t scroll in social media often”. He does, he just doesn’t see that because I don’t really nag him about it all the time. I just do my own thing most times and let him do his. It’s getting to the point where I’m just unhappy. I love him but I wish I had more support from him. I stuck by him when he was in his manic episodes, when he cheated and done other bad things while ill, but I can’t even get him to read ONE article about the mental health issue I have… I’m just sad. I always sad and angry. He notices that but when I tell him what’s wrong he says he can’t do it anymore that when he is unwell it’s for couple/few months and he is back to normal but with me it’s constant. I tried to tell him it’s because he doesn’t actually support me, I tell him what I want and he turns it around and make it seem like I’m in the wrong…
Am I being crazy or I don’t know …. I really don’t know I feel like I’m about to explode and I really want to call someone but I’ve got no friends or family that I can talk to. Most mental health services are closed now (it’s 11pm here in UK). And I don’t want to talk on the phone to the ones who are open because he is here so it’s like what do I do…. I’m still in a waiting list for therapy. It’s a very long waiting list, they told me could be even a year…
I just wanted to vent it somewhere or I’d literally go crazy. None of the things I usually do when overwhelmed helped so … this was my next thing to try and see if it helps me calm down…. 🥲 who ever reads it , sorry… it was suppose to be very short but once I started I just kept going 🥲🥲🥲🫡
I hope everyone had a nice day or is having a nice day/ecening/night 🥲