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How does bipolar affect your pregnancy and motherhood?

Hello to all bipolar moms!

I am planning to get pregnant soon and as I suffer from bipolar disorder (mostly mixed features) I have tons of questions!
Did you stop taking all your medication prior getting pregnant? What medication were you taking during pregnancy?
How was your mood during pregnancy? I am happy to say that I’m stable now and I’m curious how hormones/ stopping medication affected you during pregnancy.
Did you deliver baby naturally or by c-section? What was recommended to you by your doctor?
How did you feel after becoming a mom? Is it indeed common to relapse? Did you get mania or depression? Were you able to take care of your baby or did you need help of your relatives?

I would like to stress that I am not judging, I just want to know what I am up for. I have thought a lot about the challenges of being a mom with bipolar disorder and I would like to learn about it more from you, moms with bipolar, rather than from yet another article online.

It would be great if you can share your experiences with me ❤️

Thank you 🙏 #BipolarDisorder #bipolarmom #bipolarpregnancy


I need help #bipolarmom #Bipolar #Marriage #Depression

I just want to scream and cry around people who will let me. I want to be around people who can let me fall apart for a little bit and just hug me and be there. This past weekend something happened with my husband and this time, I’m just healthy enough to know that I deserve better. For the very first time in my life (I’m about to be 37). However, I am screwed. Getting better isn’t easy when you don’t know how to withstand new realizations. Sure, I don’t deserve this, and I’ve been lying to myself for years in this marriage, because I knew the most terrifying thing for me was to let go. Be alone. Be a mother to my kids, all by myself. The pain associated with leaving my husband, my security blanket. I let myself believe the lies and excuses for years and years. I’m too healthy now to know I don’t deserve it but what now? I am on the brink- I don’t want to self destruct and run and hide and do terrible things as a result. I want to choose the healthier path. I don’t think I know if I can. I’m frozen. I need to release this pain and this screaming and I need love. I don’t have people I can do that with. I don’t trust anyone and I don’t have people. I need people or else my mind and I will be alone together and that’s a dangerous combo. I just need a release. Help me please. I’m reaching out to you all because I need support. I don’t want to be hospitalized again and I don’t want to be dead or drunk and murdered or abandon my kids. I want to come out of this. I just don’t know how to describe it. I just need help. I can’t do it alone.

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Getting in my nerves #Parenting #momismentallysick

How do you guys manage your kids when they are in bad mood or in tantrums (not sure if my kid has a bipolar to)? I tried so hard to keep them calm and be in good mood even if i also need to keep myself in good shape. She cries for even just a tiny reason.

#Parenting #Tantrums #bipolarmom #keepingup


How do you handle parenting a depressed teen when you struggle with your own depressive episodes? #parentingteenwithdepression

I was diagnosed bipolar type 2 in 1995. My son was diagnosed bipolar when he was an early teen (he's now 19). It was a constant battle to deal with his episodes (we'd suffered with them since he was 5, but no one would diagnose him). Now my daughter (16) has been diagnosed with major depression (i think it's only a matter of time before she also gets a bipolar diagnosis). I don't know how to support her when I am still exhausted from raising him and trying to get myself stable (Hurrah for menopause messing up my brain chemical balance). #bipolarmom #GenerationsOfDepression


Being a mother and dealing with bipolar 2 #Bipolar2 #bipolarmom #everydaylife

How do you do it? How do you balance everything when your brain is telling you you are not doing a good job and you’re not worthy of being a mother? #BipolarDisorder #bipolarmom #everydaylife #Bipolar2

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I have a four year old daughter and bipolar. Parenting can feel really hard sometimes. I don’t want her to be affected by my illness any advice?


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Bipolar. Mom of 3. Social worker. Daughter. Wife. And let’s discuss “wife.” Wife had a breakdown 3 years ago, adulteress added to list of labels. Husband stayed and “stood there through it all.” While also, temporally taking custody of my kids away. Yes, you did. Now I’m stronger, balanced, managing my multiple labels and doing well, for the most part. Coming to terms that you are no longer who I want to spend my life with. Through it all, they (kids) were on your “side,” and now 2 of the 3, will chose you, I know this. Heartbreaking. So I stay, stay in a life I’m unhappy with, just to be with my children who would not chose me anyway. Confident I can live a happier life on my own, without you but not without them. So I stay, until when, for how much longer I don’t know, but what do I do? #bipolarmom #Bipolarwife #bipolarlife


Balancing Act

Finally getting the hang of my new job that I absolutely love!!! Do have some down days though.any other moms feel they are in burnout with this juggling this act we call life? #Humor#TheSecretLifeOfTheManicDepressive #bipolarmom #blessedandstressed #SpecialNeedsPrograms

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#bipolarmom #bipolarparenting #bipolarkids #Selfcare

Y'know, I'm bipolar and have ADHD and so does my son. I spent a lot of his childhood wanting to apologise to him for having to grow up with a bipolar mom on top of inheriting both disorders himself.  I felt so guilty for his struggles, while not acknowledging that I, myself, was struggling, every day.  Getting myself into treatment was the best thing I ever did for him, or myself.

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