Hi, my name is jem1510. I'm looking for advise on how to deal with jealousy in a platonic FP relationship. My FP recently became friends with someone and she told me this person makes her laugh like I do. I was also replaced on Snapchat as her ‘number 1’ best friend by this person. I can see this is becoming an intense and strong friendship for her and I don’t know where that leaves me. It’s caused me to go into a typical BPD reaction and I think I’ve caused some irreparable damage and she wants to take some space. I don’t know it’s just imagined out of my fears of abandonment or if it’s real, but I can see this person being to her what I have been over the last 4 year. I am still on a waiting list for counselling. I have learn to recognise that it’s irrational to be this way, people can have multiple close relationships. When someone gets a new friendship it is exciting for that person so I know maybe it can take precendent over older relationships for a while. I am currently respecting her wishes and giving her space. I just need to know how to navigate this. I have literally just read about reacting in the opposite way that you jealousy demands you to act. I probably could have used this a few days ago before I went full BPD cling on my FP. Does anyone have any tips on building self esteem and self worth from within ? Getting self worth that doesn’t come from the love you get from your FP ? Also any tips on how to act if I am with them both, so as to not let it show that I am jealous and uncomfortable if they are bonding and laughing together in front of me. Thanks 🙂

#MightyTogether #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #BPD #BPDFP #Jealousy #Insecure #lowselfesteem #Lowmood #MentalHealth #faveperson