I feel that there is such an unnecessary stigma surrounding taking prescribed medication for your chronic illness/ illnesses! It does not make your journey any less valid than someone following a different method of relief. Please don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed for taking medication. I truly do not understand why there is such judgement surrounding medication, and why people feel the need to make unnecessary comments about someone else’s health journey.

Finding relief for you chronic illness is such a personal journey. Whilst there are so many different options that are spoken about so highly, what is important is what works for you. The same method isn’t going to work the same for everyone, and so what if medication is the method which works best? The fact that you are getting the well deserved relief that you need is all that matters! It doesn’t matter if it’s not a method that is done by yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s not through yoga, or a different diet. Taking medication should not be looked at any differently and really should not be judged. It is not a sign of defeat, and it does not mean that you are dealing with your illness ‘wrong’. Do what is best for your body!

I too take quite a few medications - as you can probably tell from my second photo! I’m not ashamed of this, and do not feel that I’m dealing with my illness the wrong way. These medications relieve me of some of my symptoms across a number of my chronic illnesses.my FND my TICs the Fibromyalgia or AMPS in particular can cause a number of tricky symptoms which are difficult to find the treatments for. Ambilify, an Naltrexone are 2 that help provides me the relief of many symptoms surrounding my nerves, including twitching and nerve pain. Medication can be quite a lot of trial and error trying to find medication which provides more benefits than side effects, and upping the dosage when it loses effectiveness. This is how it is more of a personal journey, and thankfully, I have quite a good balance and I am pleased with the relief I’m getting.

Please don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed for taking medication. I hope this helps to fight the stigma 🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤

Do you take any medication for your chronic illnesses? Let me know 👇

#Fibro #FND #Autism #Disability #meds #medications #Stigma #Awareness #brainproblems #Spoonie