I suffer from childhood emotional neglect. I've had anxiety for more than 2 decades.
Recently, My best friend, she starte#d dating, this started an irrational fear of loosing her. The acceptance she gives me, the time we spend together, the loneliness without her, thinking I might be in love with her to hold on to her, not being good enough for her to have feelings for me as more than a friend, that I'm ugly, not being as good as her date since she is attracted to him and much more.
This started my depression and emotional breakdowns which opened a wound from my childhood, that I never felt loved by my parents, Never got hugs or told they love me, they never showed or taught me about feelings, I've never learned to care about my self, I spend most of my childhood alone, selfish parents being tired from work and wanting to relax.
I started to break down crying all the time. A sad or romantic song can remind me, that I've never been loved, that I'm alone, thinking nobody wants a depressed crying man. Not being able to see anything positive about myself. Cutting shallow in my arm to remove focus on the hurt. Crying for hours. Thinking I'm worth nothing, that I'm a burden to everyone. I hate to be alone because what gives me any value is only what my friends think about me. Which makes me cling on to friends, seeking contact and company all the time.