Doctors stink! 🤨
Good morning fellow Mightyers. How are you all doing?
I've had several downs lately and a hit after another. First, a doctor's visit who was rude to my mom and me. He would put his hand out to our faces to make us stop talking as we tried to explain to him our answers to the stupid paper form I filled out. He just wanted a yes or no response from us by the look of things. Then I had two problems today over a online game which I know it seems silly but that is how tired I am of problems and negativity and rude people. And to make matters even harder, today is Ash Wednesday and we are suppose to be kind to others. Well, year round actually, but to me, it is impossible now. I keep getting hurt by others, physically, mentally and emotionally.
how do you deal with problems that affect you physically, emotionally, and mentally?
#Depression #chronicnerves #SocialAnxiety #Diabetes #phobias