I had a very intense talk with my family lastnight. I wish I could've recorded it. I'd put it on blast. Because it shows alot of stupidity. I got my point across. I told my folks I need space to be able to grow. It turned negative and I'm still in pain from my eyes from crying. Still feel tired. But I hope this outcry made them realize that I need to live for myself. And not be treated like a child. There were alot of triggers in the convo I even yelled because they yelled at me and even broke the #1 rule when talking to a suicidal person. Never tell them "if you want to die you want us to die" they made it about them. They also refused to help me get help for my mental health. Because they didn't want me to be labled. I dont care. My mental health is more important. All that aside. They saw that I was wanting to be more independent and given chances to go out with friends. I just pray and hope they allow me my freedom to grow and blossom. If not I think I'll have to move out and never see them again. #Talk #controllingparents #adult #Anxiety #SituationalDepression #SuicidalIdeation