Suicidal Ideation

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I feel so defeated. I lost my job in the middle of May and have been busy applying for new positions as well as unemployment.
I’ve been using indeed with mixed results and decided to try zip recruiter. I’m 100% not impressed and upset. Although I set my location which the app asked for it’s been sending me jobs from outside my location preferences. I went on an interview before I left on vacation and upon returning was offered the opportunity. I had to turn it down due to not being able to reliably get myself to work due to not having a car. I rely on public transportation. I’ve been beating myself up for not tripping checking the cities these positions are in before applying. I’ve been feeling very low for a while now and feel like I will now never find a position…this is only making me anxious and a real trigger for my depression. I’ve also been stressed due to the loss of my cat which I lost 2 months ago, he was young and it was a fluke that he died but it still hurts. I honestly wish I was brave enough to just go through with my thoughts and take my life because clearly I don’t have a purpose or reason for continuing and I just wanna be reunited with my baby.

#CheckInWithMe #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #MentalHealth #Anxiety #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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The Phased Person

Being in flux doesn't mean you are disappearing. When a liquid turns to gas, it is still there and can now move more freely amongst the clouds. #MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #Depression #Loneliness

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Grief is weird, one moment I’m fine and the next I’m a mess. Things just haven’t been the same since my soul cat passed away about a month ago.

On top of that I’m now dealing with an immature narcissistic bully on social media and am honestly at my wits end. I’ve blocked them and deactivated several of my accounts due to them and their childish behavior. While I’ve felt a breath of fresh air being away from social media I’m just so burnt out on life.

I just want to see my soul cat again and to be happy, or at least to stop floating around just existing.

#CheckInWithMe #Bullying #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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This is ridiculous… | TW swearing, partial suicidal ideation

I feel like I just want to give up, honestly. My anxiety won’t leave me alone. I had a meltdown yesterday morning and felt like crap about society all day. I need those meds again. I have an appointment today with that luckily, I need them as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don’t know if I can take this anymore. I’m so sick of this damn world. Things have never gotten better ever since AI and AI “art” or crypto was a trend. At the same time, what if I feel the same thing even with those meds? Is there a point in anything anymore?

Magnesium doesn’t work at all for sleep as I kept having stress dreams from my trauma almost every damn day. I’m so sick of this.

I’m so sick of dealing with this shit. I’m so sick of feeling like I’m not welcome here in this damn world. Sometimes I wonder if I’m better off dead.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #neurodivergent #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #tired #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Trauma #Milddepression

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Just wanted to say Hi!#Depression #Anxiety #c -PTSD #SuicidalIdeation

I am not new here but was never brave enough to post. I have been struggling lately after a recent hospital stay. I have been trying everything to get better. Medications, Psychotherapy, group therapy, CBT, DBT, IOP, partial hospital programs, group home, ECT, Esketamine. I have been diagnosed with treatment resistant major Depressive Disorder, C-PTSD, anxiety and #SuicidalIdeation . I just wish there was something that worked. I not only feel lonely from everyone around me which is no one, but also from the mental illness community because nothing has worked for me. All the different treatments have left me with memory loss and a whole slew of physical problems like migraine, etc. I just feel like reaching out isn't worth it, because I haven't worked hard enough and am totally ashamed. I don't know what way to turn. So I thought I would start by simply saying hi.

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A Second Drawing

This one is of a lone falconer. Crows are my favorite, but there is something majestic and inspiring about hawks and falcons. #Loneliness #Depression #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide

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Picked the Pencil Back Up #Depression #Loneliness #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts

Drawing again really has taken my mind off of things. I always wanted a wild crow companion, the kind that would fly down and ride on my shoulder whenever I was walking about.

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Moroseness unlimited…

I lost my father. Then I had to give up my job. I was humiliated and sidelined and the organization I worked for was indeed doing little value addition. Then my wife decided to leave me. We separated. In the process I also lost a beautiful house built on the hills with so much passion, hope and dreams together. I lost the entire eco system - literal and social. Later I lost both my dogs too. They were intensely soulful creatures who grew with us and so central in our relationship. But i bear no ill will towards my ex - just shame and guilt that I couldn’t take good care of her and couldn’t afford much meaning to her. Last year i lost my mother. Not that we were very close and we got along too well but still my long visits to her home located in rich sylvan surroundings and warm caretakers was lost too. Most of friends and acquaintances disappeared as well. Kins were too self opinionated and who constantly invalidated my grief and indeed always belittled my ‘being’ for long even before my life took the turn for the worse. Except for an old uncle of mine i don’t feel like seeking out an extended family psychologically illiterate and shorn of aesthetic and cultural capital and too caught in their self righteousness.

Acute uprootedness, loneliness, emotional exhaustion hollows and wrings you out. That i’m much late in my adulthood and almost going to be an ‘elder’ makes matters more shameful. I live alone (have no siblings either let alone kids) with my new daschund just doing what little needed to keep me going - cooking, gardening, reading and blogging. I manage to do some art work too. Medicines seem to wearing off in its effect to keep me sane and counseling too over so many years barely of little help anymore.

The overwhelming failures and setbacks all my life and so repeated despite being well qualified, well read, and contributed so much to my work domain (again all painfully unrecognised) affects me to the extent that suicidal thoughts are always at the top of my mind. The misery, dismay, shock of how horribly matters have gone wrong, having been cheated by people, circumstances and I dare say by Gods themselves surges and spikes in waves choking you, reducing you to complete tears and feeling crushed. i’m completely invisible and destitute today and making each day is a painful and exhausting struggle. It’s bad faith that still prevents me doing the inevitable. #SuicidalIdeation #Loneliness #Shame #Guilt #miseryofliving #Grief

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I hate this life…. I wish I was a kid again | TW partial suicidal ideation, one swear

Either I want to be a kid/baby again or I want to be dead. That is the mood I’m feeling right now. I feel like I’m losing everything nostalgic to me and I just want to get away from this stressful life… I’m so sick of dealing with this fucking life.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Grief #sad #OSTD #Trauma

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Soul pets

I know there is a thing called soulmates, but what about soul pets? After losing my cat radio way earlier that I thought I’ve been really struggling emotionally and mentally. Radio and I just vibrated on the same wave length and were so in sync that losing him at one six feels like someone ripped my heart out. I know that lose it hard and grieving takes time but I just feel so lost and alone ever since losing him. It almost feels like the world lost all its color the day he was put down. I’ve been going through the motions of life since and just wondering if the hole in my chest will ever heal.

Thanks for reading
#CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #SuicidalIdeation

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