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I’ll be off and on for a bit

I’m having to take some time off for just a bit. Trying to find and fix these 2 screen room leaks has turned into a issue. Different ways to approach this is #1 take the complete roof off, clean and reseal #2 replace the whole porch #3 keep trying and get lucky lol. I’m dodging major thunderstorms, heat, not knowing what my wife and her mother are planning. Not sure if she’s planning to move her mother in as well. If that’s the case a room addition will have to be added. I did get a couple things accomplished today. I lost my rambling post this morning. Thank full that someone found it. Cleaned the house, only 1 trip to Home Depot, and mowed the yard even when it started pouring! I’ve laid in bed a couple of times only to think about that patio roof. ( things like that keep me awake lol ) wishing everyone a restful night and prayers going out to all. Think positive!…David. P.S. practical turtle, keep me posted on how things go…David

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🥹✨Habemus Papam!!

Finally, after years of uncertainty, I have found the unwanted guest that is causing me quite a few management problems: it is Mrs. Borrelia Burgdorferi, a bacterium transmitted by infected ticks that causes Lyme Disease.

In Italy, in about 10 years, just over a thousand cases of this disease have been diagnosed, but the incidence could be higher considering that people still speak little and the differential diagnoses often leave something to be desired.

In fact, in 20% of cases the erythema migrans, which is the main symptom recognized by doctors, does not appear.

This can make diagnosis more difficult, and when the body can no longer handle the infection, I assure you that the symptoms can become strange and unpredictable!

My hope now is to finally find a specialist who can follow me on this journey, to check whether this cute arthropod has brought with it other bacteria and assess any damage.

Even if finding out so late makes everything longer and more complex, I'm relieved to finally be on the right path and not to have stopped in my search!

🌟 LESSON #1 : Don’t Give Your Power Away!#MightyTogether #malattiadilyme #borreliaburgdorferi #diagnositardiva #lymeawareness #chroniclyme #percorsodiguarigione Finalmente, dopo anni di incertezze, ho trovato l'ospite indesiderato che mi sta causando non pochi problemi di gestione: è la Sig.ra Borrelia Burgdorferi, un batterio trasmesso da zecche infette che provoca la Malattia di Lyme.

In Italia, in circa 10 anni, sono stati diagnosticati poco più di mille casi di questa malattia, ma l’incidenza potrebbe essere più alta considerato che se parla ancora poco e le diagnosi differenziali lasciano spesso a desiderare.

Nel 20% dei casi infatti l’eritema migrante, che è il principale sintomo riconosciuto dai medici, non compare.

Questo può rendere più difficile la diagnosi e, quando il corpo non riesce più a gestire l’infezione, vi assicuro che i sintomi possono diventare strani e imprevedibili!

La mia speranza adesso è di trovare finalmente uno specialista che possa seguirmi in questo percorso, per verificare se questo simpatico artropode ha portato con sé altri batteri e valutare gli eventuali danni.

Anche se scoprirlo così tardi rende tutto più lungo e complesso, sono sollevata di essere finalmente sulla strada giusta e di non essermi fermata nella ricerca!

🌟 LESSON #1 : Don’t Give Your Power Away!

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My son is in a afcp and hes sick with an ear infection blood puss drainage in ear, fever, 8 metal staples on head from glass door, also holes in his arm infected,tore up and abused . Legal system does not care. need a mediator any suggestions #11




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The mosquito bite

Have you ever thought of a simple mosquito bite? If you see it biting you then it will itch for hours. If you didn’t see it bite you, then you’ll probably never notice it. It goes the same way that a diagnosis goes. If you dwell on it, it takes sometimes years to understand it . The key is don’t dwell. Yes there are treatments that can and will help if you allow it. In Med 101, we learn the 5 predictable stages that people will typically go through after a terminal diagnosis. #1 Denial #2 Anger#3 Bargaining. #4 grieving and #5 ( the most important) Acceptance. These “5 steps can also be used by all of us in the battles we face daily. But remember, our diagnosis isn’t terminal. It’s a beautiful life out there if you know where to look. God opens our eyes to see them, but you won’t see the beauty if your dwelling on something else. Years ago, I made a decision to say Good morning, Good afternoon etc etc to everyone I came across. You never know if that’s the only thing nice that’s been said to that person in awhile. As I browse through a lot of these post, I see members that are dealing with worse things then I am. When you have a chance browse as well. Try not to dwell, try to find the beauty that surrounds you. It might just surprise you….David

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The first 2 choices of the day

It’s been a long 7 1/2 years since my life changed over an injury. I spent 7 of them drowning in beer to make me forget what my life was. Completely sober for a year. Having some medical knowledge sometimes is a curse! But having changed my way of life also changed my way of thinking. When I wake up, I have 2 choices to make. #1 Is this going to be a good day or #2 Am I going to make this a bad day? It’s MY choice. One thing I’ve found is common among a lot of us is dwelling on what we can’t do instead of dwelling on what we can do. Or dwelling on a diagnosis. Yes, at times it can be hard. One benefit of my injury was, it brought me closer to God. When my pain is overwhelming, I think of the pain that Jesus Christ endured to take away my sins. I then think my pain is trivial. Guys and Gals, this works for me. Life is too short to let anything stop you from living it. Find your enjoyments, Find new ways and hobbies! Just find things to occupy your mind and not dwell on a diagnosis!…..David

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I've recently rediscovered haikus and have found writing them to be very effective when I'm going through a low spell. Here are a few I've written recently...#1 Darkness comes unasked

So heavy, sightless, morose

I await the dawn's rescue#2 The world is so big

Will the vastness swallow me?

I guess I'll find out#3 I miss my old friend

Special days no longer ours

But memories are

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Feeling MY Way Through this Journey #CrohnsDisease #DiabetesType2 #MentalHealth #Allergies #ChildLoss #SpinalMuscularAtrophy #ADHD

I've been going through multiple situations over the past 30 days. #1 My eldest daughter got arrested at a public facility, #2 the year anniversary of my middle daughter's death quickly approaches, #3 Mother's Day is when my mother transitioned, #4 fighting for my life with these UNPROFESSIONAL MEDICAL CARE TEAMS, #5 I have 3 grandboys from my deceased daughter that are in foster care and they refuse family communications. There's so much more, but this is THE TOP 5 STRESSES.


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I don’t even know where to start

I was diagnosed with MERRF (a mitochondrial myopathy) almost 20 years ago. My health has been a rollercoaster in those years - I would seem healthy as an ox a few months then bedridden the next. Today I am moving ok, but use a wheelchair to get around outside of my house. My balance and coordination is terrible ( I’ve fallen three times in the last month which required stitches twice on my head). My gross motor strength and ability are a zero and I require plenty of time to sleep.

It has now been a week that my 13 year old daughter and I left the hospital after a 5 week stay. The one person who helped me physically is now with a g-tube, requires the entire pharmacy in one day, has every piece of DME imaginable, and now in a wheelchair of her own. The one who helped me out physically is now completely out of commission and I am now her nurse 24 hours a day.

She is my only living child, my baby, and there is nothing in this world I would not do for her. But I am tired. Caring for my medically complex child as a disabled person is by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. It has only been 9 days being home from the hospital and I am beyond drained both physically and emotionally. Physically, this is hard for me because I simply do no have strength and endurance. I often cry because I have trouble getting up off of the floor or pain from walking back and forth from one room to the next. Emotionally, I am exhausted because I have been doing all of this on my own. While in the hospital, both my parents and (now ex) boyfriend said they would help both me and m daughter at home. Now that we are home, my parents don’t help me with meals (I can’t even tell you the last time we shared a meal together), or with anything you would think a parent/grandparent would do. Because I demanded my brother to stop smoking in the house they all stopped talking to me. My then-boyfriend also said he would help, but tells me to “control my emotions” and stop complaining. After 4 years, I thought he would understand and allow me to be vulnerable with him, but I thought wrong. I just broke up with him tonight and to be honest, I am not too sad about it. My daughter is always going to be my #1 and if he can’t support me and ultimately her, then he’s not the one.

But now, more than ever, I am sad and disappointed that the people I thought cared most about my daughter and me abandoned us. They spoke promises that they had no intention of keeping. When I needed love and support most, they all turned their backs on me and left me alone. I am so sad and lonely. I don’t have anybody to talk to. I don’t have a shoulder to cry on or someone to just listen. I am alone and I don’t know what to do. #Caregiving #MentalHealth #MitochondrialDisease #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness

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