Is this the scariest thing ever? Wish me luck!🤞
Yes, yes it is.
I have dentophobia. Basically fear of the dentist. I also have trypanophobia which is fear of medical injections. It definitely does not work out in my favor lol Last time I almost passed out... but I didnt and was very proud of my self for not bolting like I have in the past. (YAY ME!🎉) I have to get my permanent cap. Wish me luck and enjoy the funny picture which is my way of trying to cheer my self up lol!!
#Anxiety #Depression #Epilepsy #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MakeMeLaugh #OtherMentalHealth #MentalHealth #Phobia #Trypanophobia #Dentophobia