#fibroflair #Fibromyalgia #Fibromyalgia #Fibro #Pain #ChronicPain #Fatigue #ChronicFatigue #endlesstorturetreatment
Sorry I've been away a couple weeks, & not kept up with my notifications. I will work on attending to each soon as can. Fibro pain has had me in bed (on couch where I sleep (& where I live) throughout. It's been extreme, and I had my first #suicidal thought a few days ago. First in a couple months or so. See, I forgot that the Tegratol had been prescribed for the broken leg (& ran out of same time that pain got back to overwhelmingly torturous & insurmountable) was helping the fibro pain at the same time. I thought I'd achieved/reached a new place, but found id just ran in a great big circle. Yuk. It really sucks & I not sure how long I can bear it. One day at a time; one harsh moment at a time ! #fibrosucks #toomuchtobear #OnedayAtaTime #onemomentatatime