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Dinner tonight was good

Pauley heated up some pork carnitas for us tonight. I took a tortilla and melted a big fistful of queso quesadilla cheese on it. Then I put some of the carnitas on the tortilla and folded over the flapflaps. The only thing missing was guacamole. It was really yummy.

We're doing chicken tomorrow. We took a bag out of the freezer today. I gotta figure out what I want to do with it.

The infection on my boob is stingy but doesn't really hurt. But it's the size of a dime. My doctor said just keep it clean and put Neosporin and a bandaid on it. She said not to drain it anymore.


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Dinner tonight

We really are hooked on the gnocchi. Or at least I am. I made cheesy GF garlic bread and I'm going to make the sauce. If you want to play along with me at home, and frankly who doesn't, the sauce is 2 parts 4 cheese Alfredo and 1 part pumpkin puree. It's ridiculously good.


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I was craving sweet and salty. Yesterday I got 2 boxes of instant sticky rice. I have a bottle of Japanese BBQ sauce in my fridge which just tastes like sweet teriyaki. I've got popcorn chicken. And I've got salt free garlic and herbs blend seasoning. I did a little bit of my kitchen magic and created a sweet BBQ teriyaki chicken rice bowl. OMG it's so good! The only thing that was missing was some steamed broccoli. But next time I'll remember.

Just before lunch today I called my cardiologist and my doctor answered. I told her my feet hurt and are very swollen and stiff and the pitting goes up to my knees. She said "are you elevating your legs? I don't know what to tell you." And then she said we'll look at my legs at my next appointment on March 2something.

Then I called my headache clinic. I had an appointment scheduled for April but my doctor said if I wanted to do occipital nerve block I can schedule sooner. So I have that appointment on March 11th.

I've got the octopus test with my neuro-ophthalmologist on Tuesday and I'm getting labs done on Wednesday. My break from appointments was short. Time to dive back in.



Early morning snack

I woke up around 5am and went to my bed at around 6. Then I realized I was hungry. I was craving popcorn chicken and pumpkin dipping sauce. So I waddled to the kitchen and heated up a big plate of popcorn chicken. Then I looked around for something I could mix with pumpkin that would taste good. That's when I saw the bottle of honey mustard. I figured it'd be a good idea. So I mixed one spoon of pumpkin puree with 2 squirts of honey mustard. And imma tell you hwat. This is delicious! Earthy and tangy and sweet, very well balanced. 8 out of 10 paws.


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Pauley is vacuuming. We talked about dinner and I asked her to get me a small casserole dish, a piece of chicken, and the seasoning blend of her choosing. She was like...why? Are you eating? And I explained I'm making popcorn chicken so I can make a burrito. She decided she'd rather just make herself some sausage. We'll play with the chicken tomorrow. We're gonna cook a few breasts and shred them with the KitchenAid mixer. Then we can put some in the fridge and some in the freezer. I can make quesadillas for her and burritos for me. I got GF corn flour tortillas today for her. I tried ordering some egglife brand egg white wraps but they didn't have any. She's very anti sandwich and anti burrito but I think she'd really enjoy a cheese and chicken quesadilla. I'm slowly teaching her about how ingredients are meant to work together to create complex flavors. Most of her life she's just eaten the ingredients individually. Just recently I taught her about adding shredded cheese to shredded pork carnitas and she loves it. Baby steps.

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Dinner tonight is epic!

I was expecting one Amazon delivery today and one tomorrow but they both came today! I got all the ingredients for my epic gnocchi. So I decided I would make some for dinner tonight. @pauleyholm made the gnocchi, which only took 5 minutes. And when it was done I microwaved some GF garlic Texas toast. In my bowl I mixed garlic, Parmesan, Alfredo sauce, and pumpkin puree. Then I put the gnocchi in and stirred it up really well. Oh my goodness it's better than expected! Pauley decided to be brave and try a piece after it passed the sniff test. She decided not to eat it tonight but maybe next time we have gnocchi. I was so proud of her for trying something new. She thanked me for not being upset that she didn't want to eat it tonight.

I think today was a good day.


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I'm having chocolate chip banana waffles with cinnamon sugar butter for lunch because I'm an adult... And because pauley is asleep. I made a bottle of IQ Joe cuz I was craving coffee but I didn't feel like making a pot. I was gonna make some cinnamon toast waffles so I could make a sandwich with cheese and turkey but I got excited about banana. They're really yummy! I only put cinnamon sugar butter on them, no syrup. It's just sweet enough.

Today is starting pretty good.


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Dinner tonight

We had half of a chicken breast with Alfredo sauce left over from last night and one pack of GF gnocchi in the cupboard. Pauley asked me what I wanted to do for dinner. I said we could dice up the chicken and put some more sauce in the pan and heat it up and spoon it over the gnocchi. The gnocchi only takes 3 minutes to cook.

So we did and OMG it's delicious! I can't wait to get the 12 packs of GF gnocchi so I can experiment with different sauces. This weekend is gonna be the first experiment: garlic pumpkin Alfredo gnocchi with shredded rotisserie chicken. I've had it myself but pauley hasn't ever tried pumpkin in anything savory. I'm very excited.

Delicious food doesn't have to be complicated or unhealthy. I'm a very happy puppy right now.


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"congratulations! Nox has unlocked a new skill: epic snack"

Today we got groceries pretty early. I ordered some fancy stuff I can't get from Aldi. But right now 2 of those things that go together are making me super happy. Cinnamon raisin English muffins and cinnamon sugar butter. Holy hell where have they been hiding all my life?!? So delicious!!! I just had 2 of them for a little snack. Or lunch? I dunno, time has no meaning.



Dinner tonight was creative

So pauley and I have been going through our food looking at the sodium content. I was so hungry but she was being really mean (out of love). So I asked her if she could please make me a pot of noodles. She asked me what I wanted to put on the noodles.

I thought for a moment and said "well I want Alfredo sauce but I also want some veggie tastic noms" I thought a bit and realized oh yeah we have a can of pumpkin puree! So I decided I'd mix a half cup of 4 cheese Alfredo sauce with a half cup of pumpkin puree and a few shakes of salt free garlic and herbs blend in the bowl first and then add the pasta to warm up the sauce. I tasted it and something was missing... Parmesan cheese! So I added a good amount of that and mixed it up and I gotta tell you something...

It. Was. Epic.

Creamy, earthy, peppery chewy, nutty I didn't miss the sodium. It was delicious. I will definitely do it again.


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