Not This Anxious Person
Screw you, RFK Jr.
I’ve taken SSRIs for several years, most recently being prescribed Prozac. This medication helps me to stay present and focused on my schooling and the littles I care for. They help me in so many ways, including being able to cope with the intense anxiety caused by my cPTSD. I would absolutely fall apart without these meds. I can actually function and be part of a loving community and lead a fulfilling life with a career I love.
What a disgrace to our nation and a disservice to everyone in America. Disability, including mental illness, can strike at any time, without any rhyme or reason. I’ve never been ashamed to take meds for my mental health, but this is petrifying. SSRIs literally saved me. SSRIs have helped me live my best life.
My heart goes out to anyone else who is being affected by this drastic change. This is plain awful and I can’t believe this is the world we live in. We are stronger together, though. My inbox is open.
Some background:
RFK, Jr., within hours of being confirmed, made several incorrect claims surrounding the use of antidepressants (among other medications for mental and physical health issues), claiming that they’re harder to kick than heroin and even went as far as suggesting that people who use them are more likely to commit school shootings and called those of us who use antidepressants addicts. During his confirmation hearings, however, he tried claiming he never said such things. The cameras and livestreams don’t lie, Bobby, Jr. Get real. These meds help people lead healthy and fulfilling lives. How dare you continue to stigmatize mental illness? How dare you harp on something you very clearly are uneducated about? He’s talked about getting to the “root cause” of several conditions such as ADHD, asthma, and autism. Bro. Get real. Take several seats and shut up. Let the real medical professionals do their jobs.