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We made it! Wanna share a win?

It's a fact; we made it another week!
And how ever you got through;
You got through - and that's the most important thing.
On top of getting through, do you want to take a moment and reflect on something that was good in your week - a win of some sorts.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
As always; your win can be big, small, or in between - the only criteria is that it was a win for YOU in your life.
I wish you the best weekend, you can have.
(Picture from Google)

Most common user reactions 113 reactions 38 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We made it to Friday.
And that's worth celebrating!
However you got through;
You got through - and that's what matters most.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week?
It can be anything that was a win to you.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good end-of-week-vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
I wish you the best possible weekend, you can have.
(Picture from Google)

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactionsMost common user reactions 119 reactions 48 comments
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Finally the Glimmers accumulated

Hello everyone! Here I am and here is #photodairy
Finally, the glimmers have accumulated. I was more active this week. Yesterday, it started snowing in Istanbul, and I enjoyed it. I baked a carrot and cinnamon cake yesterday. It was perfect with tea.

Today, I went outside and walked in the snow. I had a snowball fight with my dad. 🤣
When I got home, my mom and I prepared this wonderful dish for dinner.

I’m also very happy because I made time for my hobbies. My shoulder feels better than before.

I’m also excited because tomorrow I’ll meet new people. We’ll have an in-person book analysis. I hope our energies match!

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

Hey everyone.
We made it another week!
And however you got through;
You got through.
And that's the most important win of them all.
Do you want to round off the week on a positive note by taking a moment to reflect on a win from your week?
It can be anything that was a win TO YOU.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
Nornally I would get us started with the sharing.
But my biggest task is still ahead of me.
I'll share when its done.
Lastly, I wish you the best weekend, you can have.
(Picture from Google)

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 106 reactions 43 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

You made it another week - well done!
And however you got through;
You got through.
And that's what matters most.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week?
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
As always; I'll get us started with the sharing.
And I wish you the best possible weekend, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

Most common user reactions 98 reactions 37 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We made it another week.
This one was a challenging one for me - but I made it.
And I want you to know that however you got through; You got through!
And that's the most important win.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week?
It can be anything that was a win to you - wins are highly individual.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
And I wish you the best possible weekend, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 114 reactions 33 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We made to another Friday.
Another week is in the bag.
And however you got through;
You got through.
Do you want to round of the week by thinking of win?
It can be anything that is a win to you; big, small, or in between.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Pinterest)

Most common user reactions 55 reactions 21 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We made it to Friday.
And however you got through;
You got through!
And that's the most important thing.
Do you wanna round off the week on a positive note?
By thinking of a win from your week - and maybe sharing with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others?
I'll get us started with the sharing.
I wish you the best possible weekend you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

Most common user reactions 88 reactions 25 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We made another week.
And however you got through;
You got through.
And that's the biggest win of all.
Do you want to end you week on a positive note?
If so, I invite you to reflect on a win from your week.
It can be anything that is a win to YOU.
Nothing is too "small" to be considered a personal win.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Pinterest)

Most common user reactions 191 reactions 61 comments
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We made it! Wanna share a win?

You've made it another week!
Well done you.
However you got through;
You got through.
And I am proud of you for that.
Making it through enables everything else.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week to round your week of on a good note?
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
I'll share my win as soon as I have gotten it done today.
(Picture from Pinterest)

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 109 reactions 45 comments