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You made it! Wanna share a win?

We made it another week!
And however you got through;
You got through!
And I am proud of you.
You did good.
You're doing good.
I see you all doing your best under some truly challenging circumstances.
And it's inspiring and helps me to keep going.
So thank you so much.
Do you want to take a moment and think of something good from your week?
It can be a win, a glimmer, or some gratitude.
You're more than welcome to share in the comments🥳
As always; I'll get the sharing ball rolling.
(Picture from Google)

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I always tell myself I am overreacting or being too sensitive.
And I just recently found out that that is self-gaslighting.
I have been gaslighted a lot by other people in my life.
And I have internalized it.
That's what happens often.
But it doesn't have to remain that way.
I can practice and chance my inner dialog.
I can replace self-criticism and invalidation with self-compassion and much needed validation.
I am NOT overreacting.
Things are hard and I am under a lot of pressure.
I am NOT being too sensitive.
I am valid in having the feelings, I have.
That's going to be some of my practice today.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your progress is still there

I am going through a rough patch.
I always do during the summer break.
Missing my much needed routine.
And everyday life.
Also having a break in therapy due to vacation time for the therapists is challenging.
I really need my weekly support from them.
I need the person I am when I'm in therapy.
Trying to remind myself that the progress I've made is still there!
It doesn't evaporate because I hit a rough patch.
Our mind tends to tell us that it does.
That's its all been for nothing if we fall into struggle.
But that ISN'T true!!
And I wanted to remind you too.
In case you needed to hear it.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

You are allowed to redefine:
- What productivity looks like
- What success looks like
- What thriving looks like
- What busy looks like.
You do you!
You are the expert on you, your story and your life.
Many of us mighties have lives that have changed direction significantly.
We live differently lives now compared to "before".
And we get to redefine what is good and beneficial for us.
We get to redefine our goals.
I wish you the best week you can possibly have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

It's Friday everyone.
We made it another week.
And however you got through;
You got through!
You did good.
And I am proud of you.
I see you doing your best and working on showing up for yourself and your health.
And those are BIG accomplishments!
Do you want to take a moment to think of a win, glimmer or gratitude from the week?
You are most welcome to share in the comments.
As always; I'll get us started.
(Picture from Google)

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Positive self-talk

Is such a challenge for me.
I have a harsh, critical and judgmental inner dialog if I am not very careful.
That's what I learned to use from childhood.
And I didn't know how harsh I was being towards myself until I started therapy.
Some of the things I tell myself are so horrible!
I would NEVER tell anyone else those things.
But I know this now.
And I am practicing when I remember that I have that option - which isn't always... yet.
But someone on The Mighty told me that all practice is good practice.
And I really took that to heart.
So here I go - to practice some more.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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And grace!

Things to give to yourself.
I have lacked these things most of my life.
So now I am trying to learn to give the good things to myself.
It's not easy.
It even feels wrong sometimes.
For instance;
Like I am doing something wrong when I give myself a break or show myself compassion.
But I'm not.
What I am doing is going up against a lot of hard wiring.
And a nervous system that's in high alert most of the time.
I've been told several times by professionals that I don't allow myself any wins or successes.
I minimize them all.
But now I am practicing giving myself more credit.
I even have a Accomplishment List on my phone.
So I try to give myself better things.
What good things would you like to give yourself?
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Comforting to read

I saw this on Pinterest and it gave me such comfort to read.
"Just because it is taking time, does not mean it is not working".
This healing journey of mine is certainly taking its time...
And sometimes I get discouraged.
Is it even working?
Am I getting any better?
Will my circumstances improve?
But then there are also the good moments.
The moments where I feel myself doing something different than I am used to.
Where I feel I have changed.
For the better.
Like when I succeed in showing myself a little grace.
Or manage to turn a toxic thought around.
So I'll keep at it.
Trying to believe I am doing what's best for me and my future.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Reminder for your week

All we can ever do is our best.
And we all have different best's.
Plus our best looks different from day to day.
And also depending on the time of day for me.
Settling into the idea that our best is good enough is freeing and healing.
Because we can experience so much inner criticism, critique, judgment and harshness when it comes to what we're actually able to do.
Also because many of us have a clear recollection about what we were able to do "before".
And it's not the same as what we can do now.
But that shouldn't affect our worth.
We're still good people.
We're still worthy.
And we can still do our best.
However that may look this week.
I wish you the best week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We did it!
It Friday.
Another week - check✔️
However you got through;
You got through!
And I am proud of you!!
This week was very challenging for me;
Haven't been in my familiar surroundings for 2 weeks now.
And I am totally lacking and missing my normal routine.
Which is very difficult for me to cope with.
So my mental health suffers.
Finally going home today.
And I am very much looking forward to that.
Do you want to share a win from your week in the comments?
Or some gratitude?
Or a glimmer?
As always; I'll get us started✨️🥳✨️
(Picture from Google)

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