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Hi gratitude seekers.
It's Grati-tuesday and you're invited to reflect on something you're grateful for.
It can be anything or anyone - as long as it sparks gratitude.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
Let's support each other in having an attitude of gratitude.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 93 reactions 35 comments
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It's Grati-tuesday

And you know what that means.
It means you get a heartly invitation to reflect on something you're grateful for.
And that you're more than welcome to share in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
Let's help each other to have an attitude of gratitude to hopefully enrich and better our mental health and daily living.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 151 reactions 53 comments
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It's Grati-tuesday

While gratitude doesn't erase the bad things in my life, it does help me feel better - it soothes me.
It helps me to focus on what's good and what works - instead of the opposite.
And that is good for my mental health!
Maybe you've found some of the same benefits from working on having a attitude of gratitude?
This Grati-tuesday I invite you to take a moment and reflect on something you're grateful for.
You're more than welcome to share in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 93 reactions 27 comments
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Grati-tuesday means an invitation to think about something or someone you're grateful for.
It can be anything and anyone - the only criteria is that it sparks gratitude in YOU.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
As always; I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 77 reactions 28 comments
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Hi everyone.
It's Grati-tuesday in our little group for gratitude and glimmer seekers.
And I invite you to reflect on something you're grateful for.
It can be anything or anyone.
As long as you feel grateful for it or them.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
As always; I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 151 reactions 58 comments
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Having an attitude of gratitude.
It can be easier said than done.
Depression, anhedonia, numbness, emptiness, and so much more can make it difficult to feel and practice gratitude.
But I've found that that doesn't mean, I don't have things to be grateful for.
And it does help me to focus on what I'm grateful for to combat the negativity in my mind.
So today I invite you to join me and think of something you're grateful for - it can be something big, small, or in between.
You're more than welcome to share in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 213 reactions 61 comments
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It's Grati-tuesday

Do you want to take a moment and reflect on something you're grateful for?
It can be anything or anyone.
It can be something "big" or something "small".
All that matters is that YOU are grateful for it.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google)

Most common user reactions 75 reactions 32 comments
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It's Grati-tuesday

I invite you to reflect on something or someone you're grateful for.
It can be anything or anyone.
All that matters is that it sparks gratitude in you.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.

Most common user reactions 155 reactions 46 comments
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I keep a gratitude log on my phone in a note app.
And I really like to have it so accessible all the time.
It helps me capture those "small" moments of gratitude.
- dropping my phone and it not breaking
- a new episode in a YouTube show
- there being only one pack of oreos left in the store; and I needed one pack
- cold, clean, and plentiful drinking water
- a Mighty friend sent me some of her artwork to support me.
I really like capturing gratitude like this.
And I really like re-reading the entries in my log.
Especially when I'm down.
So I want to invite you to think about what you're grateful for today?
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 76 reactions 28 comments
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What are you grateful for today?
It can be anything - big or small or in between.
As long as it is something you're grateful for.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

Most common user reactions 155 reactions 47 comments