My first crop of green onion and garlic chives. I have never grown either one.
My first crop of green onion and garlic chives. I have never grown either one.
I've been learning about plants and how to develop a green thumb with my mother's help (even at 41 I'm still a proud mother's boy) of course. Living on my own I find it very peaceful having several plants around my place and now I added one outside that'll last all year round. It brings me peace and solace. It's joyful to look at and gives me something else to be responsible for. When I moved back out of my mother's again several people in my life closest to me worried about me living on my own due to my mental health and my drug/alcohol recovery which can be rocky at times. This is just one of the many things that helps me and puts a smile on my face.
#GreenThumb #Planting #Plants #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Bipolar #BipolarDisorder #Mania #Depression #ADHD #Anxiety #OCD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Recovery #DrugRecovery #AlcoholRecovery #drugaddict #alcoholic