A Little About Me
My name is Tonya. I am a chronic illness warrior and am passionate about advocacy. I love to share my story with anyone who will listen.
I have been featured on my local news station and interviewer for our newspaper.
I have numerous conditions such as Gastroparesis (g tube, port, gastric stimulator and on TPN) . I have Primary Immunodeficiency and infuse Hizentra. I have Ehlers Danlos, Autonomic Dysfunction and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I have Chronic EBV and had an Acquired Hemaphagocytosis due to being immunocompromised and catching Covid-19 earlier this year. I deal with migraines, hypotension and hypoglycemia as well.
I'm currently writing for a migraine site and volunteer as an Oley Ambassador.
My goal is to bring awareness of little known things about my conditions. I am always bringing new information to my doctors. They appreciate it.
I hope to learn from you all and hopefully, you'll gain insights from me.
#PatientAdvocacy #chronicillnesswarrior #gastroparesisawareness #GulfWarSyndrome