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What’s your Halloween costume this year? #halloween2020 #Enjoyyourself

In process of finishing costume, going to be a girl slimer! haha. So excited to flop around in this costume at a Halloween gathering.

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Steps to Take when Trick or Treating 🎃👻 #halloween2020 #Trickortreat #COVID19 #FoodAllergies #Epipenlife #AutoimmuneDisease #RareDisease #masks

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@withregram • @veganvikingman Imagine for a moment that we all just accepted that Trick-or-Treating was just something we could not do this year (you know, cause of the pandemic, remember?). And then imagine that instead of being obstinate, sad, angry, or having meltdowns about it, we all actually TRIED something different. Are you all so horribly boring that you cannot come up with some new and fun traditions for yourself or with your kids? News flash, stores still have candy, people can still put up Halloween decorations, and you can still do plenty of other Halloween related things. Whether you’re a childfree person who loves Halloween or a parent who is struggling to come up with something safe to do with your kids, I promise that there’s more to this holiday than candy. And I would even like to believe that people could come up with ideas on their own... but I have zero faith in people, so here are a few ideas I came up with:

1) horror movie marathon (maybe a film or television series) with candy.
2) carving jack-o-lanterns WITH your kids (involve them in the parts of the process that don’t require a knife).
3) drive around to look at decorations.
4) go for a walk the day before or after to look at decorations.
5) cooking or baking Halloween themed foods.
6) take some time to learn about the history of the holiday.
7) read scary short stories in the dark with flashlights.
😎 do a Zoom meeting party with friends while watching a cult classic Halloween movie.
9) take turns writing parts of scary/funny short stories.
10) buy crafts and supplies to make your own Halloween decorations.

And what’s great is that you can do all of these things either in or out of costume. Good luck.
#Halloween #halloween2020 #trickortreating #trickortreat2020 #secondwavecorona #secondwave #quarantine #wearamask #wearyourmask #wearyourmask😷 #wearyourfuckingmask #covid_19 #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #pandemic #cdc #who #worldhealthorganization

@Mvskoke3000 - 💯🔥👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Me and my teenager have created a new tradition. #cookingathome #bingewatchingnetflix #createnewtraditions #foodallergylife #immunocompromised #spoonielife #safetyfirst

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