Hungry & Anxious
Two weeks ago I ended up in the ER from an #MCAS episode. It was the most horrible pain that I started to joust want to black out. It all started while heading back from the park with my dog, the stabbing pain in the abdomen got stronger with each red light on the drive back home, I kept hoping it was just gas, if only I could have been so lucky. By the time I pulled into the garage, I was heating up and starting to sweat all over, my hands were so wet & slippery i struggled to take off the dogs car harness, so I started yelling for my husband to come and take him. I ran to the kitchen and popped 2 Benadryl’s and ran to the bathroom where I lay in the floor crying waiting for relief. It didn’t get better. Curled up on the floor I stared to break out in hives, I don’t even bother to scratch them anymore, I know what where they are, I know why they’re there, to hurt me. And I felt like I was put inside an oven. I kept asking him to please turn up the AC, so much sweating now that pools of sweat rested on my face and if I moved my head or talked it would pour into my eyes and mouth and sting. I had to crawl my way to the toilet, he kept wanting to check on me, asking to open the bathroom door, but I was so humiliated 😞 so embarrassed for the love of my life to see me like this. Looking hideous covered in sweat & hives, hunched over in pain with severe diarrhea while I begged for it to be over. I kept him away as long as I could until I started to get dizzy & weak, with my heart racing and when my throat started feeling sure I called for him. We went to the ER and the two arrogant young dr’s didn’t know what to do with me, I kept explaining “M.C.A.S” “histamine intolerance” “no I don’t have an allergy” .. “mast cells..” “my fourth time here in ER this year”… I must have sounded like a lunatic, because they didn’t believe me. They said I was severely dehydrated and there was blood in my urine and gave me fluids. They gave me fluids & pain killers. Since then everyday I’m afraid to eat, I have my supplements, I have my DAO enzymes on the kitchen counter, I have my Benadryl & Pepcid at the hip. I have my list of low histamine foods, but I all I can do is dart around the kitchen hungry & anxious to eat a damn thing. #MCAS #histamineintolerance